Questioning Sex #7: What Is Our Sexual Potential?

An excerpt from Book II of my fantasy series, THE SECRET SEX LIFE OF ANGELS, explores the outer limits of our sexual potential.

I. J. Weinstock
7 min readAug 8, 2023

by I. J. Weinstock

Thousands of years of patriarchal distortion and religious oppression have kept us relatively ignorant about this defining aspect of our humanity.

I wrote THE SECRET SEX LIFE OF ANGELS series—an epic, erotic fantasy—to explore the mystery we call “sex” and reclaim the lost knowledge of the ancient “sexual mysteries.”

THE SECRET SEX LIFE OF ANGELS series includes “Mysteries of Isis,” “Ring of Fire,” “Floating to Paradise,” and “Realm of the Gods.”

The Ecstasy of Sex is a Naturally-Occurring, Mind-Expanding, Psychedelic Experience

Some anthropologists theorize that psychedelic plants like psilocybin mushrooms, peyote, ayahuasca, etc., were ritually ingested by our hunter-gatherer ancestors for various sacred purposes. It’s even suggested that the mind-expanding properties of these plants may have inspired leaps of cultural evolution.

According to Sobonfu Some, a native of the Dagara people of West Africa and the author of The Spirit of Intimacy, her people don’t have a word for sex. Instead, they use a word that means going on a journey together. To this West African tribe, sex was like a trip, a voyage. But to where?

From the anthropological evidence, one might speculate that during special times of the year (full moon, before or after a hunt, to celebrate a seasonal festival or invoke the blessing of their gods), our hunter-gatherer ancestors (whose sexuality hadn’t yet been stunted and shamed) might have engaged in highly organized group sex rites. By harnessing their sexual ecstasy, they might have “journeyed together” into the Spirit World to receive inspiration, revelation, guidance, and blessings.

Is it possible that during these sexually-fueled, ecstatic “journeys,” our ancestors were inspired to harness naturally occurring fire, to farm instead of forage? Might such sexually-sourced revelations have sown the seeds of the Agricultural Revolution and birthed a new kind of civilization?

Prehistoric caves in France contain 15,000-year-old images of male and female genitals. Why? It’s not because they liked porn. It’s because sex is the source, not only of progeny but of society and civilization.

Ancient goddess-worshipping cultures viewed sex as the Original Blessing that raised humanity from bestiality. Before being banished from Heaven by the Patriarchy’s new male God and demeaned as the Whore of Babylon, the Great Goddess was worshipped throughout the ancient world, and her “sexual mysteries” were taught by Priestesses in Her temples.


THE SECRET SEX LIFE OF ANGELS is an epic, erotic fantasy series about a man’s initiation into the ancient “sexual mysteries.” Of course, the fate of the world is at stake!

In Book II “Ring of Fire,” I imagined a highly organized group rite that harnesses sexual energy to create a portal, a gateway…

Later that moonless night, he felt the searing heat of a roaring fire on his naked flesh. Still under the spell of his Sweat Lodge vision, he’d been carried to the campfire by the Elders where he now sat cross-legged on the ground, eyes closed, the fire crackling behind him, waiting and listening.

While the Heartbeat of the World still pulsed within him, he listened for the Eagle’s voice on the wind. He heard, instead, the chanting of men and women seated in a circle around the fire. These were the FireStarters.

According to ancient tradition, they light the sacred sexual fire of the young, teaching them how to tend and master the Serpent Fire of Creation for the good of the tribe and the glory of the Great Spirit…

…Seeing his readiness, the FireStarters began the ancient Fire Breath, tapping directly into the Great Spirit’s master current which grows the plants, spins the planets and burns the stars.

The Fire Breath stoked each FireStarters’ sexual fire. One by one, without touching themselves and only using their breath, the FireStarters began to spontaneously convulse on the ground in full-body orgasms.

Incredibly, he felt the subtle waves of their orgasmic energy sweep him up in their ecstasy…

…His eyes shot open. Though the fire no longer roared behind him, its flickering light illuminated the strange spectacle that now confronted him. Instead of naked men and women convulsing on the ground in orgasmic ecstasy, he was now surrounded by couples who were sexually joined in yab yum.

Each man sat cross-legged on the ground, his back to the fire, looking into the darkness as if guarding and protecting the circle. In his lap, facing the fire, sat a woman, her legs wrapped around his waist. Eyes closed and barely moving, the couples shuddered and gently moaned as they rode their orgasmic wave.

Stranger still, each man’s outstretched arms held the hands of the woman on either side of him, while the woman in his lap held the hands of the men on either side of her. In this way, they braided the masculine and feminine energies while conducting the sexual fire around the circle from woman to man to woman.

…He now found himself inside what the ancients called the Ring of Fire. According to legend, the Ring of Fire was an accelerator that magnified the Serpent Fire of Creation many fold to create a dimensional portal — a gateway to the Spirit World.

The vortex of energy generated by the Ring of Fire swirled around him. Trembling, he closed his eyes and surrendered to the whirlwind of ecstasy that enveloped him. Once again, he found himself inside the pyramid…


The Physics of Sex

Besides being creatures of flesh and blood, humans generate a complex field of subtle electromagnetic energies. The human body contains approximately 15 trillion cells. The chemical elements in our body, like sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, have electrical charges. Our cells use these charged elements, called ions, to generate electricity. The flow of charged ions across cell membranes creates electrical currents. The sum of these electrical currents produced by our body generates an electrical field. The human body produces enough energy to power a 100-watt light bulb at any given moment.

Scientists estimate the average human cell contains 100 trillion atoms. Every atom in our body has its own electric field. All the cells and atoms in our body generate electrical signals. As a result of our being alive, our body creates electromagnetic fields.

When we join physically with another during lovemaking, we share and exchange these electromagnetic frequencies.

The ancients understood that sex is an electromagnetic exchange that can potentially create an energetic “vehicle.” The priestesses in the ancient Goddess-worshipping temples were not only healers and seers, they also taught the “sexual mysteries” — how to harness, expand, and refine these electromagnetic frequencies in order to create a “vehicle” that could, in the language of space flight, reach “escape velocity.”

In the same way that only a few hundred years ago, we couldn’t conceive that humans would one day fly, let alone set foot on the moon; we can’t conceive that our orgasmic electromagnetic frequencies can be tuned to other dimensions.

When two people literally “make love,” their frequencies combine and amplify each other, creating a more powerful energetic “vehicle.” Much like musical notes and chords, this energetic synergy creates even greater harmonies so that their combined electromagnetic frequencies can become a “vehicle” powerful enough to access altered states of consciousness. Those who’ve mastered their “vehicles” may even “journey” together to the Spirit World.


I. J. Weinstock is the author of THE SECRET SEX LIFE OF ANGELS series — an epic quest exploring the mystery we call “sex.” Portions of this article were excerpted from Book II “Ring of Fire.” His recent nonfiction book, OUR SECRET SEX LIFE: The Key to Humanity’s Destiny, reveals the secrets we carry between our legs and the hidden connections between sex, society, and survival.


My recent articles about sex and society include:

—Questioning Sex #6: Is the “Inner Fire” of Sex Humanity’s Promethean Dilemma?

—Controversial Book Probes the Mystery of Sex to Sound an Urgent Alarm

—Sex, January 12th, Howard Stern & Me

— “The Fantasy of Dreams Can Reveal Our Sexual Secrets”

— “It’s the Sex, Stupid! The Secret of Trump’s Mystifying, Indictment-Defying Appeal”

— “Questioning Sex #5: Is Our Sexual Shame to Blame for How We Can Be Manipulated for Political Gain?”

— “Questioning Sex #4: Is the Porn-ification of Puberty and Sex Ed a Ticking Time Bomb?”

— “Questioning Sex #3: If AI Poses an Existential Threat, Can Upgrading Our SEX OS Save Us From the Robots?”

— ”Questioning Sex #2: Is a ‘Pussy’ By Any Other Name the Same?”

— ”Questioning Sex #1: WTF Is It?”

— ”Women’s Sexual Empowerment Can Save the World!”

— “What Do Sex Traffickers (Like Jeffrey Epstein) and Mass Shooters Have in Common? And Why Should We Care?”

— “A Conversation with ChatGPT About Artificial Intelligence & Sex”

— “A New ‘Theory of Relativity’ Could Shake Up the World Again. But This Time It’s About Sex!”

— “Ecstasy or Extinction

— “Is Sex the Missing Piece of the Puzzle?”

— “Did Jesus Have a Secret Sex Life?”

— “Abortion, Sex, and Survival — Women’s Reproductive Freedom is About More Than the Right-to-Chose, It’s Ultimately About Civilization’s Survival”

For more information:


