KotoWars Arena — Play with your cryptokitties to earn even more cryptokitties!

9 min readJul 3, 2019


Hello our pawesome friends!

KotoWars is a game where users can play with their cryptokitties. In this article we want to describe how players can use their kittens in Kotowars and participate in bi-weekly seasons.

Since the beginning, we wished to make a series of games where players could interact with each other with their cryptokitties. We wanted to give to kitties’ owners the opportunity to boast their collection, as well as to add other ways to express themselves with the help of their cats.

We designed a game where any, even the cheapest cryptokitty would be a useful unit, so that every player, regardless of the value of their collection would enjoy the process of managing cryptokitties.
The gameplay involves the creation of gangs of kittens, which help a player to increase and customize their collection in funny battles.

The most understandable and convenient way to combine a collection of kitties is the formation of a deck, where each cryptokitty is a separate unit with its own parameters. We were inspired by existing card games and wrote our proof of concept and introduced it to the community a year ago.

KotoWars Proof of Concept

This heavy interface was written with javascript.

After we received a positive feedback from the community, we decided to concentrate on refining this game, leaving the ideas of mini-games for the future.

For the best performance and agile development, we decided to change the engine to Unity3D. In the fall of 2018, KotoWars held a Halloween event where participants fought for fancy Stitches and swag packs from CryptoKitties in the PvE demo.

And in January 2019 we launched KotoWars Alpha.

The modified demo turned into Stitches Invasion PvE campaign. It became our testing ground for the new functionality and interaction with backend servers. This campaign is the best way to learn the game before fighting in the Arena versus other players.

KotoWars Stitches Invasion

Every two weeks, players fight the evil monster, Stitches, and earn the score. The top ten players from the Stitches Invasion Leaderboard are rewarded with cryptokitties and KATs bi-weekly.

We already held 12 seasons and all this time we have been refining and introducing new mechanics into the game. Meanwhile our main goal was multiplayer and the first version of the Arena was presented in the 8th season in May.

Arena is a place where two gangs meet for a fight.

A player can join “the room” with another player or start their own.

KotoWars Multiplayer rooms

To reach the better balance, the Arena rules are different from the Stitches Invasion campaign.

The main purpose of the battle is to reduce opponent’s health to zero. To achieve this, the player is required to send their cryptokitties-fighters and Specialists to the battlefield to damage the opponent.

Resources in KotoWars

Playing the cryptokitty cost in-game resources — fish. The player starts with 5 fish in the Fish Pool and gets 2 fish each round.

The cost of all fighters is equal and amounts to two fish. The cost of specialists can be found in this table.

If the cryptokitty is knocked out and leaves the battlefield the player gets one fish to the pool.

Player can cast spells to turn the course of the game to their advantage. Each spell requires a certain amount of elements in the Magic Pool.

Each cryptokitty that enters the battlefield adds the element of its attack to the pool. If the kitten is knocked out it adds the element of its defense.

Currently there are four spells available in the game:

Spells in KotoWars

In the future, the spell system will expand and there will be spells consistent of a combination of elements with more cunning mechanics.

How KotoWars interprets cryptokitties

Every normal (type of CK) cryptokitty-NFT in player’s wallet can be a Fighter kitty. They have special parameters which depend on the kitties genome.

Players can not use any non-normal kitties, including fancies, special editions and exclusives.
It set that way due to the fact that all those types of kitties have customized appearance which doesn’t follow the regular logic of assembling the kitty image. Being playable also gives an advantage to normal kitties and a bit improves their chances on the market. If you are the owner of any normal cryptokitty, you can be sure that you can use it in KotoWars.

Only one parameter of player’s cats is important for KotoWars — cryptokitties genome.

If you are at least a little bit familiar with CryptoKitties, then you know that the appearance of a cat depends on its cattributes and there are a huge number of possible combinations of these traits.

We have slightly expanded the functionality of the kitties’ genome and use it to form the basic parameters of your cats inside KotoWars.

At the moment we use two trait groups — Fur and Accent Colour.

Fur is responsible for Attack and Defense parameters of the kitty and Accent Colour corresponds to what Elements the Attack and Defense have.

Specialists are cryptokitties who are trained in special skills.

Skills can vary from supporting kitty-fighters by buffing them to help the Champion to participate in the battle. Only a player decides which specialists to include in the gang, based on their desire and an understanding of the winning strategy.

Hypnotist in KotoWars

The cost to play specialist depends on the effect the card has on the game. The kitten must have a necessary combination of crypto kitten’s genes to be a certain type of specialists. This is similar to the recipe of fancy cats in CryptoKitties.

Play with your cryptokitties and earn NFTs

So now when you know how the game works, you can try your hand at PvE battles against zombie kitty in Stitches Invasion campaign. Try to deal as much damage as possible to the monster and win more CryptoKitties-NFTs in bi-weekly seasons.

And when you feel confident in your abilities, you can challenge other players to fight. In July we were happy to introduce the first season of KotoWars Arena.

There, you can show off your cryptokitties collection to other players, prove that your winning strategy is the best and have fun.

The prize pool of the KotoWars Arena is significantly different from the PvE campaign: ten best champions will share 55 cryptokitties bi-weekly according to their rank.

The winner of the season will receive 10 cryptokitties, and the 10th place will receive 1 cryptokitty. In case of an equality of points, those players will receive the same number of kitties, corresponding to a lower position they hold in the ranking (e.g. if 2nd and 3rd places get the same score, both players will get the award for 3rd place).

In order to simplify the process, rewards will be issued in WCK tokens. You can learn more about these tokens in this article. Each WCK token can be exchanged to one cryptokitty.
And here you can find all 14000 cryptokitties converted to WCK to the moment.

The best part of it that there are a lot of Specialists that were converted to WCK tokens, so players can improve their gangs even further!

At the moment of writing there were:

KotoWars Arena is the best way to increase your collections of cryptokitties.

Even though Kotowars gang requires 33 kitties, a player can start playing even if they have just one cryptokitty! The Champion should be an existing kitty, but kitty-fighters can be “forged” via the Constructor-mode, which allows users to build a cat with any basic parameters they want, and some free specialists can be found in the Tavern.

KotoWars Arena

KotoWars players live in different timezones. In May we conducted a survey to understand the best time for future tournaments. The result of survey shows that the most convenient time for the community to play KotoWars is Saturday 01–03 PM PDT (08–10 PM UTC).

We called these hours on Saturday as Furry Brawls and plan to use it in the future community events. We invite every player to plan their time and come to take part in Furry Brawls.

The best way to find an opponent in KotoWars is to join our Discord.
There, you can negotiate with other Purriors the time to fight. Also, our bot sends notifications to the #arena channel when someone joins the room.

KotoWars Discord

The roles in KotoWars Discord depend on the Purrior’s level. You can find the champions in the Experience Leaderboard.

Kotowars Arena Ranking (KAR) and Dapper Verification

The KotoWars Arena Champions will be ranked by KAR. The ranking formula still in test and development.

Currently, KAR considers the rank of both players, so playing against stronger opponent player gets more reward and less risk and vice versa.

KotoWars menu

KAR was implemented to add fairness to the leaderboards’ formation. The strongest champions that spent more time thinking through strategies and playing should earn more prizes.

The other step in that direction is Dapper Verification, which we introduced in the Season 12.

Bots and multiple accounts annoy players. It kills the fun and violates statistics and leaderboards. To prove that a user is not a robot and to make multi-accounting more difficult we created a Dapper Verification.

Dapper is a smart-wallet made by Dapper Labs, the team that created CryptoKitties. One of its advantages is that the user does not need to pay the gas of their transactions, also users can directly buy Eth with a credit card within the wallet. For this, Dapper binds the phone number and the wallet address. Currently only one wallet is available for one phone number.

KotoWars Arena Season 1 doesn’t require Dapper Verification, but we plan to add it in the future seasons to prove the humanity of the KotoWars players. You can find the verification option at the account page.

To play KotoWars, you need to create a KotoWars account and assign a public ethereum address, so we know which cryptokitties are yours and where we should send NFTs. We send a detailed instruction via email.

Then you need to download the latest version of the client and use Email as login and a password from the letter.

We plan to add an installer at some point, so it doesn’t require to download the client every time. The installer will not require a lot of effort to install/update the game every time you want to play.

KotoWars is still in development. There are a lot of features and possibilities for players we want to add. The major plans are to improve players and kitties progression and to add game items.

Cryptokitty with KotoWars hat

Kitty items are the part of cosmetic items, the main task of which is to beautifully complement any kitty. In the future, each of these items will be a unique NFT token on the blockchain and players will be able to exchange or sell them using NFT markets or swap services.

These tokens are closely tied to the economic model of the game and the progression system since our idea is to reward players activity within KotoWars. We are actively working on these mechanics and will offer them to your attention in future updates.

If you love the idea and want to support this project, we listed some cool Gen1 virgin cryptokitties on OpenSea for WCK. All tokens will be added to prize pool of future KotoWars events

KotoWars shop at OpenSea

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KotoWars Team

