Day 293: Perfect is the Enemy of Good — The Letter I Wrote to Myself as Kid

2 min readOct 23, 2017


This one is … pretty right on.

I implore you to all find those letters if they exist. I don’t think I have one (sorry for the misleading title there), but if I had the chance to write it and bury it somewhere, here’s what it would have included:

What I wanted (as a kid)

  • Become a filmmaker. As a young kid, I loved expressing myself through visual storytelling, first as frames and later comics. Eventually I picked up a camera and shot my first film, and that’s when I just knew.
    (The greatest tragedy of my desire — everyone with a middle-class mentality wanted to be one, too. Something worth investigating.)
  • Marry someone really … cool. It took me a while to forge my “type,” but I found myself drawn to women with liberal sensibilities, a cute face, reasonably healthy figure, above-average intelligence (super-intelligence preferred), appreciation of Asian culture, and a certain … ferocity.
  • See as much of the world as I could. I was born and raised in Oregon, yet I found a connection to places elsewhere: New York, Europe, Vietnam, Asia, Outer Space … I wanted to acquire experiences, taste flavors, and … explore as much as I could and turn it into a great story.

So, things didn’t really work out as I planned…

Explore all of the chapters below (some are under development)
Intro | Part I | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9

— Lee

