Day 297: Perfect is the Enemy of Good — Acquiring Miles is Overrated

2 min readOct 27, 2017


I’m a big Star Trek fan, and there’s really nothing cooler than to seek out new life, and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before…

If you’re into that kind of thing.

I like to travel, but I don’t love it.

I didn’t really travel much until I went to graduate school. Aside from a six-week study-abroad in Japan when I turned 17 (and a senior spring break trip in the Bahamas, I guess), I largely stayed Stateside, and Canada really doesn’t count as international travel.

During and after graduate school, I’ve been to Vietnam, Australia, the Philippines, the Netherlands, Belgium, and recently China (Hong Kong). Not bad … but not exactly globally-encompassing by any stretch.

As a volunteer and professional in the last five years, I’ve traveled a bit within the US, including: New York, DC, Miami, Raleigh, Orlando, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Des Moines and Grinnell (Iowa), Charleston (West Virginia), Cleveland, Austin, New Orleans, Phoenix, and Pittsburgh (I think I’m missing a few).

That’s a bit of travel, but America is vast, and I’m constantly bypassing a lot of glorious cities in between. The real problem: I’m a bit exhausted.

Living Out of My Carry-On Suitcase

I’ve been in several planes, trains, and automobiles, and the whole experience is a bit draining. I like to stay mentally productive, but due to motion sickness, limited access to regular comforts such as a toilet and food, or even just having to sit upright for hours — I get tired from the idleness.

What’s worse — I’m often moody when I travel. (Some of my worst fights with my wife have occurred abroad, much to her surprise). I learned that I require breaks — moments alone for hours or even days when I need to decompress.

I’m certain I’m an extrovert (ENFP, I guess), yet this is a thing with me.

What if I’m not built for the explorer’s life? Am I regressing to the lowest common denominator of human indulgence, or is this just the way I really designed all along?

Explore all of the chapters below (some are under development)
Intro | Part I | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9

— Lee

