Day 294: Perfect is the Enemy of Good — “Hey, whatever happened to that Lee guy?”

2 min readOct 24, 2017


Someone once told me he saw this as my future. I hope he’s empty inside.

I’m proud to say that high school was kind of awesome for me: class valedictorian, accomplished in leadership and club activities, solid core friends and acquaintances with everyone. Things were … almost perfect.

After high school wasn’t —perhaps even downright embarrassing. Many people I went to college with went onto become proper professionals who thrived their twenties and never struggled.

I don’t keep in contact with a lot of them, perhaps for the best.

But … maybe it didn’t turn out all that bad, or even better than I thought.

My career in a nutshell

Phase I — Television in Portland
Early in my career during college and back in Portland, I learned how to pick up a camera, splice footage, mix sound, even direct others to do the same — but I felt nothing and uninspired. I need something … smarter.

Phase II — Grad School and “Vietnam”
I applied to graduate school for anthropology — a relevant choice later in life. I found a great filmmaking community in Southern California and Vietnam and even a found a contributing niche as an aspiring “brain.”

However, I couldn’t write at that esoteric level, so I quit.

Phase III —Da ‘Burgh and Startups
Effectively pushing the restart button on my life, the startup community of Pittsburgh revitalized my optimism and kindled an new interest in technology. However, I never fully developed as a technician — I developed a reputation as a community-builder, facilitator, and communicator.

Phase IV — Data-Driven in Seattle
Now, in Seattle (and beyond), I work at the nexus of education, technology, and community, and the best of all — my work is now incorporating more of my filmmaking sensibilities from the past. Am I a filmmaker? Maybe.

I find myself trying to pick up a new skill or, as the case is with this Medium account, push myself to write and draw every day because I can’t just sit still and say that this is … it.

It’s good … but it’s not perfect.

Explore all of the chapters below (some are under development)
Intro | Part I | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9

— Lee

