Energise: back to the source

Darren Ball
4 min readAug 7, 2016

This is part 4 in a 10 part story that recounts a true, personal journey of spiritual awakening out of the emptiness of modern life and into the awe-inspiring spiritual path of The Aetherius Society. It is a journey that anyone can make.

The early experiences of spiritual awakening caused a dizzying reorientation of my consciousness, away from a basic materialistic failure to understand what life is really about — towards an appreciation of the true purpose of our many lives. Not just in terms of how we relate to each other, but even more so in terms of how we relate to the planet Earth, the Sun — and even the Galaxy, which are in fact all living beings.

By this time in my life I was working in the Bay Area, and living on the southern outskirts of San Francisco. I found solace in the age-old ideal: to be in the world but not of it.

Whenever I could, I let my mind dwell on the spiritual illumination of the great teachings of the Masters about the living cosmos of which we are all a part. One book made an impression above all others: The Twelve Blessings — a profound mystic text and spiritual practice for global peace and healing. It left me in awe. Real awe. In awe of the Divinity that is within us as much as it is within the Sun and every star we can make out from our space refuge of Earth.

Never seriously exposed to spiritual ideas before, I believe now that adapting to this new-found realisation was an inevitable step on the journey we are all making towards enlightenment — back to the source.

Would we unravel the mystery of our Divinity more quickly if we could plainly see the stars, knowing that the God Spark within each one of them is the same God Spark as within each of us? Too foggy most nights to see anything in San Francisco, I made do by looking in my mind’s eye to the cosmos, like we all can.

I skipped backwards, and replayed the words of Dr. George King from another of his lectures: “…the Sun is a living entity, just as this Earth is, and it is the greatest living entity in this system.

Skeptical at first, I let the track continue…. The Sun is the source of all prana (also known as “universal life force”, ch’i or ki) in this Solar System. It continuously radiates the Great Holy Word of creation through the ethers every 32 minutes in order to make it possible for all life to express itself in multitudinous ways, to gain experience, to evolve, and make the journey back to God again — the only journey that there really is.

We have too long lost this precious awareness, which cannot be regained until we begin to reorient — and raise — our consciousness once more. A great spiritual determination grew within me; I felt a newfound sense of interconnectedness with all people…

But I was alone, and there was no one to tell. My eyes squinted in the garish yellow light of the fluorescent signage that streamed in despite the odd-sized curtains I had made.

Sitting on a makeshift cushion after my yoga breathing practice, I heard the last tram trundle by outside my dimly-lit apartment.

It was late — again, but what did I care? I spent my days at a Fortune 500 consulting firm solving problems that no one was ever going to care about in three weeks, let alone the future. The nights were mine.

I closed my eyes once more. I thought again of our Sun and the mighty energies that pour through this sacred orb unceasingly and for our benefit.

Here was the most ancient and holy being in this Solar System and the being upon which we all depend, absolutely and completely, for all energy — even for life itself.

Out of the fog that clouded my inner sight, finally the Divine pattern was beginning to emerge…

We choose, ourselves, how we direct this energy — how we use these sacred pranic forces — 24 hours of every day.

Will we fritter away the energies we are given on pointless selfishness, or will we follow the Sun’s example of selfless giving — raising not only our own consciousness but the world?

Will we use these energies to blindly entrench ourselves in ever more destructive materialistic emptiness (as I had until now), or will we use them to become better, more enlightened, more compassionate human beings?

What choice will you make?


About the author: Darren is a Member Initiate of The Aetherius Society, a spiritual organisation founded by world-renowned Master of Yoga Dr. George King. The Aetherius Society is dedicated to selfless service for the enlightenment of humanity. By day Darren is a mobile strategy consultant in the city of London. Discover energise for yourself: www.peacemeditations.com

Discover stillness for yourself: peacemeditations.com

Read part 1: “Still: the first steps towards peace”

Read part 2: “Breathe: doorway to the Divine”

Read part 3: “Light: one foot out of the darkness”

Read part 5: “Flame: my soul sings”

Read part 6: “Love: not just feeling, but action”

Read part 7: “Pray: manifest your inner potential”

Read part 8: “Divine: back to God”

Read part 9: “Karma: life’s great teacher”

Read part 10: “Cosmic: a state beyond”

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