Lego Build 117 — Lightning Fighter

Francisco Duarte
2 min readJan 4, 2024


Happy New Year everyone! Let’s start with a main series build before moving on to other things as we move along.

As I stated before, 2023 was really a slog for me, a rollercoaster of failed expectations and I truly hope to do better in 2024, for you, for my clients (yes, I write and do art stuff as a freelancer), and for myself. If you like my work or are interested in learning more you can check my Ko-fi account and leave a tip as you pass by, or even check my RPG work around the Internet.

Without further ado, let’s check this one.

The Lightining was built around a massive autocannon as its main gun and has seen service as a strike and anti-dropship platform for centuries. It has, obviously, became outdated since its debut, but in the vastness of the Inner Sphere few things are discarded as there is always the need for more military gear. Thus, during the chaos of the Succession Wars, the Lightning would see heavy use, and even when new fighter models came online, it would still see combat around the Periphery.

During the Andurien Succession the Lightning saw service with Capellan forces as they strove to push back the Andurien invasion. At the same time, Lightnings were also involved in a series of border raids between Taurian and Aurigan forces as they were dragged into the wider conflict to settle leftover grievances from the Aurigan Civil War.

This is a really simple model, easy to put together and using only 40 parts. I do think it is quite close to the artwork. In full form it does look good, despite the goofyness of the artwork.

What do you think? Have you been enjoying the fighters I’ve been making for the Battletech series? Let me know!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: