Lego Build 119 — Stalker

Francisco Duarte
3 min readFeb 6, 2024


Moving on to adding more stuff to the Succession Wars series so I can finally make the compilation book I’ve been delaying so much. I’m sorry for that delay, but I really want to make something special out of it. In the meanwhile other projects have kept me busy both in this blog and elsewhere. If you like stuff like this though and would like to help me speed up things a bit, maybe even make more posts for week (Goodness knows I don’t lack ideas) consider helping me out and leaving a tip in my Ko-fi account or getting some of the other gaming stuff I have published around.

With that said, on with the show.

The Stalker is potentially one of the most recognizable BattleMechs in existence. Developed during the hell of the Reunification War, it was meant to be a well-armed and armored machine that would withstand punishment and dish back some. It did this at the expense of speed and heat efficiency, but it was well-designed enough that the qualities overcame the defects. During the following centuries it would become the most produced assault ‘Mech in history, being present across the entire Inner Sphere.

This meant that during the Succession Wars there were enough of these machines that they would survive the conflict and be present in almost all theaters of war. Thus, despite the losses, the Stalker was still a common machine by the early 31st century, serving in a swathe of variants, including 75ton ones when the damage and wear of the hulls led users to take systems out in order to keep the ‘Mechs functinal.

During the Taurian interventions in the Aurigan Coalition, in the mid-3020s and in the 3030s, the Stalker was commonly used by the aggressors. In the Artru War of 35–39 this machine would be so common among Taurian formations that it was essencially associated with them.

It offered heavy fire-support to lighter Taurian armored fists and infantry. Nevertheless these machines took serious casualties, its speed making them unable to escape Arano and Militia ambushes, leading popular culture to believe the pilots to be suicidal. This myth was helped by the massive conflagration that would utterly destroy a Stalker if its ammo storage was hit early in a skirmish, which some still think to have been done on purpose.

I would rate this model as being of medium difficulty to put together. There are some more frail points in the sides and legs, but it shoultd be easy enough to manipulate. It uses 86 parts if I counted well. I’m also still working on how to offer compreensive parts lists for these, so bear with me if you asked for those.

Also, the Marauder II is on route, while other requests are a bit delayed, sorry.

Now, go out there play games and enjoy your lives!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: