DailyME 12: There will be no more boys in my life

End of story…Or the beginning?

100 Naked Words
2 min readOct 31, 2017


There won’t be a next boyfriend in my life

Because I’m done.

I’m done spending my time with wrong people, even if they are fun and great and could make a great friend, lover, temporary fling

I am officially done with BULLSHIT people, who only take space

And leave nothing after them

Only dust

And disposable moments

I don’t care for those people and I don’t want those people


There won’t be a next boy in my life

Because there will be a man

There will be a man who will sweep me off my feet and do everything to be with me

A man who knows what he wants and a man who doesn’t need to “excuse” his life

Because he just takes it and makes it what he wants from it

As easy as that


The next man I kiss

The next man that will take space and time from my everyday life

Will be my husband

My lover

My father

And my brother

My whole HALF

My best friend

My best companion and the best father to my kids

And that is exactly why I won’t be wasting time on ridiculous affairs or temporary “solutions” that don’t bring anything to my life

I am officially done.


Thank you for reading ♥

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More DailyMEs:

DailyME 11: People do not make sacrifices for love in 2017

DailyME 10: Do not live for someone, live for yourself

DailyME 9: No excuses

DailyME 8: It’s time to say NO

DailyME 7: The constant change

DailyME 6: A post from a different life

DailyME 5: From never being in love to inventing it

DailyME 4: Do not take your eyes off the goal

DailyME 3: “I micro failed, but I macro won”

DailyME 2: Realizations

DailyME 1: On top of the mountain

