How I Got Over 100 Followers on Medium Within One Month Of Joining.

Clap for yourself

3 min readDec 19, 2022

This isn’t just a humble brag. I really do want to tell you how I did it.

Ketut Subiyanto.

To every follower, THANK YOU! To ever READER, THANK YOU! To every Email subscriber, THANK YOU!

So, let us get to it.

  1. To receive, I have learned to give.
  2. Forget the stats
  3. Write what you know.
  4. Write for publications

Let me explain all of the above.

To receive, I have learned to give.

I do not live in la la land. You shouldn’t either. I do not have a lot of expectations of other people, you shouldn’t either.

Why does this matter? You ask.

Simple- I came to Medium with an already tried and tested knowledge: show (genuine) interest in other people’s work and they will show you the same. Before I post to Medium, I make sure I have engaged with ten different writer’s- I clap, I comment, I tweet, while also responding to the kind people who engage with my own articles. Simply put- I put out the energy I want to receive. I do not just wish, I work it.

Forget the stats

I hope to be the foremost Medium writer- someday but today is not that day.

Why does it matter?

Little beginnings. Also, ‘man know thyself’.

I am an obssessive person so I do not seek trouble. Trouble for me will be endlessly worrying myself to death over why 2 people clapped on my first article and ten clapped for the second one. If I wrote it, I loved it and I can only get better. This to me is all the stats I need.

Write what you know.

I write about abuse because I have been through it. I write about my beloved Africa because this is my culture and heritage. I sometimes dabble in AI because I like trying new tech and stuff. I will not write about life in America because I have never lived in America and no matter how much American writers I read, I will never imagine America as good as they can write it. I stick to what I know. You should too.

Write for Publications

Challenge yourself to write for different publications. Justin Cox over at the Writing Cooperatives just turned me down due to “formatting errors galore” and I wasn’t even mad because, I will be back for him. I write for other publications. I keep it moving. I do not want to write in a vacuum. I want feedbacks. I want more eyeballs on my work and you should want those too except you are writing your own personal journal.

Maybe there are other things I do that are too subtle for me to think to write out here but what I have listed right now, are how I actively gained over 100 followers within one month of joining Medium.

Thank you for reading. Did any point resonate with you? Did I miss any?

My name is Adaobi Okwy. Please turn on Email Notification for my next post. Also, Buy me coffee?




Non-quitter. Writer. Speaker. Too tired for bullshit. Say Hi