Be the Christ-in-the-Masses You’re Meant To Be.

Purusha Radha
7 min readDec 24, 2023


The highest possible attainment in the spiritual life is to become a Christ. To realize our birthright of Christhood we strive to live the Christ ideal.

But many peoples’ search for Christ has become painful and dark and hate filled with fear and superstition. They’ve fallen into separation consciousness and hatred of other people.

They seek Christ outside themselves when all the while the Christ within them waits to be discovered. Whenever they pray to an idol of Jesus — statue, picture or mental image — they’re showing that they didn’t get it.

They didn’t get the whole point of Jesus’ teachings.

A long haired brunette woman wearing a fern green colored gown stands before a golden white graphic five-pointed star as green drapes part as if on a stage.

We don’t need to use Yeshua (his real name on Earth) as intermediary between ourselves and God.

By holding Yeshua as the one solitary Christ the world has ever seen, we’re abdicating our own responsibility. We’re putting it all on Yeshua’s shoulders which is religious dogma, a church manipulation and a copout.

Taking responsibility for becoming a Christ is spiritual freedom. It’s far greater and nobler to know yourself as a Christ then to hold Jesus as the only one.

Yeshua ben-Joseph, the Christ, is Sananda now in the future Pleiades. All the Great Masters who’ve walked the Earth have incarnated into the flesh body human from future advanced dimensions. Sananda is held in extremely high regard in that realm but everyone there is also a realized God.

No one there is looking to Sananda to fix things for them. And we aren’t meant to do that either.

Yeshua never wanted to be worshiped and he never indicated he was the great fixer of things. His words were conveniently mistranslated making way for a whole body of dogma the church would use to control us.

What he did do was demonstrate how to live as an empowered manifesting Christ. There is a way to pray and you can even call on Yeshua. But many prayers summoning Jesus impede us from realizing the greatness in ourselves Jesus has always wanted us to see.

When you zero in on the life and teachings of Yeshua the Christ, this is what you come up with: Example — not exception.

A young man wearing a white tunic sits contemplating the Christ Ideal. Golden white light splashes all around him.

We come to know our own divinity, our God-Isness, when we contemplate our Christ.

We pierce the veil that keeps us from seeing and experiencing our divinity. And then our Christ Consciousness is born.

Christ IS Enlightenment or a state of consciousness for which we are all seeking… the light of every child that is born into the world. — Baird T. Spalding¹

When we commemorate the birth of Yeshua every December, most of us misdirect our thinking.

We remember this most special Divine Child coming into the world who would go on to perform miracles, love the unloved, and triumph over death.

More appropriately, and I know Sananda would want this, we could be using this holy day to contemplate birthing the Christ within us. This is really what he wants us to realize.

No teacher worth his or her salt would want to be worshiped or be a designated fixer or go-between. Great teachers want to see their students actually apply and live the teachings they’re given. And I know we can both agree that Yeshua was the greatest teacher indeed.

Thinking of the Nativity we could be realizing that every child comes into this world a Christ Child.

But what have we done with this knowledge? For the most part, we’ve denied, buried or swept it under the carpet.

The birth of Yeshua the Christ should symbolize to us the potential birth of Christ in every human consciousness.

Yeshua was the Great Liberator of humankind. He triumphed over a painful torturous crucifixion, resurrected and ascended.

What do we take from that for ourselves? What did he do it for if not to show us our potential?

Instead we all march single file to our graves with no intention of ascending but only to reincarnate once again. It’s our beliefs or lack of them that keep us stuck on that reincarnation wheel.

And no. Yeshua didn’t come to pay for our sins.

That’s not how the Universe works. We are each responsible for our own karma and must strike balance for those debts.

Ultimately, the way out of never-ending karma is ascension. And though Yeshua can and does send us Love and grace when we ask, Yeshua can’t create ascension for us either.

Preaching the lie that Yeshua has paid for our errors is a church manipulation.

You’re so terribly lowly and sinful the son of God himself has to pay for your sins!

In fact, by his birth and life so supremely well lived Yeshua is saying:

So you’re making mistakes. That’s life. It’s how you learn and grow and move toward becoming your greatest potential. You’ve got that down to a science.

Here’s this one last bit you have to get… You have all power. You can do anything. You never have to die. You’re immortal. Like me, you too are God and death is a blasphemy to an Isness.

The Great Soul Yeshua came to Earth to demonstrate what a God in action looks like. He demonstrated beyond enormous faith and zeal. He too learned and studied on his spiritual journey. Yeshua diligently applied many esoteric studies and practices that would help him unveil his divinity.

We all have an affinity with Yeshua the Christ. The foundation is there. We just have to build on it.

The Christ Ideal begins in the soul.

Right back of the heart is the soul. It’s where Christ comes to each of us first as an Ideal. If we hold that vision in our minds as a perfect Ideal we eventually, sooner than later, give birth to our own Christ Child — the Christ Consciousness.

It’s said that a person in Christ Consciousness knows no limitations. God the Infinite, after all, intends that we create just like It creates. If we’re Divine Sons and Daughters then it stands to reason we can do this. We’ve naturally inherited our Father–Mother’s attributes.

Yeshua himself said he was by no means the exception. He is the example. We’re all meant to do as he did but to do so we must recognize the Christ within us. We must raise our consciousness to that of the Christ.

Here’s what the Master Emil said on realizing Christ Consciousness in the annals of Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East:¹

Through the power or process of thought we can transmute and evolve our bodies, or our outer conditions and surroundings, through recognition of this Christ Consciousness within ourselves, so that we will never experience death nor any change called death.

This is done wholly through man’s power to visualize, idealize, conceive, and bring forth that which he gazes upon. This is done by first knowing or perceiving or having faith that the Christ is within ourselves; seeing the true meaning of Jesus’ teaching; holding our body one with God, made in the image and likeness of God and merging that body into the perfect God body just as God sees us. We have idealized, conceived, and brought forth into manifestation the perfect God body. We are ‘born again’ truly of and in the Spirit Kingdom of God.

There we have it — the rather simple prescription for realizing our Christ Consciousness. It just takes persistent focus because we have a lot of programming to overcome.

A Christ has ‘Perfect Vision.’

When we have Christ Consciousness we also no longer see imperfection in others. And we compare no one to another. We walk the Earth as beings of pure Love and acceptance.

The Masters see only beauty in every soul. They look for the Christ in every face and see only the Christ or God quality at all times in everyone.

This is called Perfect Vision.

Our vision must match theirs to be able to fully commune with them. We must strive to have such Perfect Vision.

And we must look upon ourselves too and find the strength to overcome our self-persecution. Remember, mistakes are simply part of life, learning and growing. Allow yourself to become the greatness of a Christ.

I see with the eyes of a Great Master.

All souls are equal in my eyes.

I live a life of Love and Perfect Vision.

I accept my mistakes as learning tools that help me to become.

I call forth my Christ.

May Love reveal the Christ within my soul.

The Christ I become.

Affirmation of life I am.

Beloved God the Infinite, all that I am You are and all that You are I am.

¹ Spalding, Baird T. Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 1. N.p., DeVorss & Company, 1935.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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