Create Your Ideal and Hold It In Your Mind. It’s How All Masters Become Who They Are.

Purusha Radha
7 min readFeb 1, 2024


The highest form of a concept or desire sits in the spiritual mind or soul in absolute peace. It’s called the Ideal. And even if you’re not fully conscious of your Ideal which is also your birthright, it lives there waiting for you to activate it.

To have and hold an Ideal you aspire to is a real purpose in life.

So choose an Ideal you wish to become. Hold it in your spiritual mind. And become that Ideal.

A red haired woman in contemplate with a halo around her head and her third eye dotted with Light

An Ideal begins as the mold of an idea. It creates form from the unformed.

The Ideal you hold in your mind and soul attracts power and Substance to fill the mold. The mold can be an Ideal of anything you long for.

You can hold an Ideal for yourself.

  • Is it a Christ you wish to be?
  • An Ascended Master?
  • A manifesting God or Goddess with complete dominion over your surroundings?

Desires for things you desire to do or have are also worthy Ideals.

  • Do you desire a life rich with companions of equal substance to you?
  • Is a new home sanctuary your heart’s desire?
  • Would you like to sample life in another spectacular part of the world by visiting it?

For an Ideal to manifest, you have to fix it solidly in your soulular spiritual mind and in every detail.

Ancient sacred texts say this is how God the Infinite created the multiverses. And it’s how the creator Elohim formed our world and many others. It’s also said they fashioned everything right down to the finest detail.

As offspring of the Infinite, it stands to reason that this is how we should create too.

God saw an Ideal world; He held in mind that substance of which the world was to be formed a sufficient time to lower its vibration; then He spoke the Word and the world was formed — or, as we might say, God visualized a mental pattern or mold into which could flow the substance needed to make the world and it came forth a perfect form, built upon the pattern which was held in consciousness.¹

Something as great as an Ideal doesn’t happen overnight.

After you’ve firmly held the Ideal in consciousness long enough, you command the Ideal into being. It’s just that your Ideal may not happen immediately or even very soon.

I love how one of the Masters says it in Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East¹:

Hold out [your] cup until it is filled. Pour out blessings and thanks that it is done now though every mortal thought of error [on your part] besets you. Go on. Go on. It is here now, and believe me, your faith is rewarded…

We’ve taken on so much programming through no fault of our own. There’s a lot going on in our minds and bodies we have to undo. And it’s one of the biggest reasons why we’re here. We’re here to smash all that programming to smithereens and show others they can do it too.

We’ll fail at first. But as the Master above says, it isn’t that we’ve done anything wrong. We simply have to be determined and keep on with it.

We have to keep holding out our cups. Sooner or later that cup’s going to get filled and with exactly what we want.

It takes time to literally fill the whole body with our Ideal which is precisely what we have to do.

This is the exercise of the will, the cry of self-confidence, the expression of faith directing the power toward the Ideal.¹

The Great Master Ramtha makes this beautiful statelment of how he held his Ideal to ascension:

Slowly, over many years, as the thought of becoming my Ideal became the very Life Force in my embodiment, my soul gradually changed the programming in every cellular structure to increase the vibratory frequency within them, my desire was that strong.

I’ve turned that quote into an affirmation I make for myself day and night:

“My Ideal has become the very Life Force in the cells of my embodiment. My soul has changed the programming of every cellular structure of my being to increase the vibratory rate within every cell. My serene emotions and my desire for my Ideal carry through my entire physical arrangement making me Lighter and Lighter and Lighter.”

Depending on the Ideal you hold in mind and soul, you may slowly begin to notice your body change. It will naturally evolve to match with your lofty Ideal.

Your Akasha will become so filled with these Ideal thoughtforms, they’ll cascade into the living of your everyday life. And more and more cells of your body will begin to reflect them too.

The Masters tell us this is the way.

We so often read life-transforming truth like this but we don’t stop right then and there to apply it.

The Great Masters can offer us keys of Light like these and we still don’t actualize them. It’s taken me a dozen times or more to read passages on becoming my Ideal before the light really and truly went on in my head.

We read their words and think how wonderful they are. Yes! They make complete sense and are so inspiring.

And then we close the book and go on to the next thing.

Maybe it’s because we don’t truly believe in our power. Or maybe we foolishly don’t want to give up the life we’re living. Third dimensional surface life’s often got us so caught up in it, we often can’t see the forest for the trees.

A purple iris blossom encased in a purple heart shape and a candle flame glowing within it. Lavender Flame I Am.

Let’s begin with Love. Love is what makes the Ideal real.

Love (appreciation, admiration) for a thing is the special ingredient that causes Divine Substance into form. And when we truly Love something, focus is never an issue. It’s easy to stick with something we love.

We need to intensely focus the thoughts, words and actions surrounding our desire for the Ideal to become form. We have to devote ourselves to true concentration and focus.

This is loving the Ideal. If you can concentrate and focus on your Ideal to such an extent, you definitely have a passion and love for it.

Love makes the Ideal become the real.

Besides just thinking about it, there are a couple practices that will help you intensely concentrate and focus to create your Ideal.

While I’m a work in progress, I can share that progress grows by the day.

I have in mind all the things I wish to do and have.

But I have a principle Ideal for what I’m in process of becoming.

What I’ve found is that you can’t just rely on remembering to mentally focus on your Ideal. It takes more than that.

You have to begin moving toward your Ideal in your every action and spoken word.

So I hold the picture of myself as my Ideal in my spiritual mind and contemplate it a lot. (I have the feeling my Akasha is beginning to fill with these thoughts.)

Then I also have the description articulated on paper — in words and picture form.

There’s a powerful tool you can use that will help you stay on a concentrated focused track. And that tool is the practice of morning and nightly affirmations.

This is a real and potent spiritual practice. It’s the most powerful statement you can make to God the Infinite, the universe and every cell of your being.

You can get more of the why and the how for this practice in my article here and I urge you to.

These 200 or so affirmations have caused my life to blossom ever since I began the practice.

Anchor an Ideal in your soul and you’ll find yourself stepping into it.

Maybe you begin becoming your Ideal because of the alchemical power of the affirmations. Or maybe it’s because, in your focus, you dwell on your Ideal so much the words you use to describe your Ideal begin permeating your Being.

And it’s probably a combination of both.

There’s even a scientific physical explanation for this. In an earlier article, I shared:

Brain and body have a symbiotic relationship that so well demonstrates the old proverb, “As above, so below.” The body works like a receiver of the brain’s activity…

The body itself is a chemical laboratory…

It transfers our thoughts into biological material in various chemical combinations and according to the thought commands we give it.

Living a surface life gets us nowhere.

But becoming an Ideal does.

It does require deeper and profound concentration to achieve it. But then don’t you think it might be truly worth it?

From all I’ve studied and have practiced in my life, I see that becoming your Ideal isn’t a mysterious elusive aspiration.

We tend to think lofty Ideals are only for miraculous saints. And if you think this way, you’re right.

They definitely are for miraculous saints. And miraculous saints are you and me.

To be able to create miracles and to bring your Ideal into reality—these are your birthright. It might take some time but if you start to focus on your Ideal now, and do so every day, in a few years I know you’ll be truly glad you did.

Again, I urge you to have a look at my article on creating a true affirmation practice. It will change your life.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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¹ Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 1. N.p., DeVorss & Company, 1935.

