Earth’s In Flux and Shifting.

Can we unravel her epic moments of when and how?

Purusha Radha
5 min readJan 8, 2024

They say we’re at the end of an age and the dawning of a new one. Spiritual prophecy says Earth will experience a significant dramatic shift both on its axis and at the core essence of its people.

Other prophecies say the shift will be incremental over time.

In both cases, these predictions subtly urge us to live well and virtuously.

A father and daugher stand on a small hill overlooking a beautiful horizon with a bright sparkling sun shining and luscious foliage everywhere in the New Earth.

The world and timelines are in a constant state of flux. So how do we live not knowing for sure which way things are going to happen?

I’ve learned this…

Live as if everything’s going to happen and nothing’s going to happen—at the same time.

You can do both at once. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and live your best and constantly expanding life. Live your life full out by developing yourself to your greatest ability.

If a dramatic shift happens, you’ll be able to automatically respond to it with deft resilience.

And if it doesn’t happen, you’ll still live an incredible awesome life no matter what’s going on around you.

I came to this understanding of living both ways simultaneously observing a Great Master who made predictions from time to time.

I watched people put their lives on hold or throw out dreams altogether based on a prophecy. I myself did it to some extent.

Then the time came and went and they were left standing empty handed. Many stargates of opportunity passed them by during the time leading up to the event’s ‘appointed moment.’

At this point what could they do other than pick up and move on which is in itself a great lesson?

Momentum has a beautiful way of taking on a life of its own. It’s takes a lot more energy to regain the momentum you lost rather than to simply keep it going.

This may be an extreme example but this story illustrates the point.

I know a man who fervently believed 2012 was the end of it all.

He was so convinced by what he saw in the Mayan calendar, he believed his life and the world were ending December 21, 2012. He literally gave up on his health, home, career, finances, everything. My friend just let everything go down the drain.

And without your even knowing him you know the next chapter. He’s had to rebuild his life ever since.

We must understand Earth is in flux. There are very many probabilities.

Some prophecy-makers place a timing on an impending big shift. The good ones don’t feel comfortable issuing predictions because they understand two things:

flux and

jumping timelines.

Not only are we contantly in flux, that flux includes jumping simultaneous timelines. This fact alone can account for why prophecy doesn’t always come true.

Ask Masters when, and in most cases they’ll not put a definite timing on it. If they do, you have to understand the prediction they give you is based on this fleeting moment of here and Now. In the next moment of Now, it may all and probably will all be different.

The timing for these prophecies is based on probabilities of timelines — not certainties. We can never be certain with a multiverse and timelines in flux.

A probability by its very definition is not 100%. Probabilities are often not even close to 100%.

We can’t lasso a moment and tie it down. And we can’t, in any moment, definitely say how anything’s going to happen.

Not only this, there could be error by the perceiver. No one perceives truth 100% accurately 100% of the time.

What we can be sure about is the life we create for ourselves.

No one other than we have control over that — even if we think outside influences do. They’re influences, yes, but we have ultimate say and control over our lives. (It’s amazing how quickly those influences back off once you stand up to them.)

Earth has been incrementally shifting on its axis over centuries. A time may come when we find ourselves living in a part of the world that’s very different from years ago.

It may be uncomfortable for some and comfortable for others. But Masters who’ve had all this time to become Masters, will live grand lives no matter how the climate or state of the world looks.

On multidimensional levels, the Earth is definitely in a state of shift. Life is never only about what we perceive on the surface.

How life looks and acts on one level, it also looks on every other level: the surface-linear-analytical, emotional, spiritual, levels of the soul and Oversoul, the quantum and infinitely multidimensional. It’s like a cascade moving in every direction but mirroring and expressing the essential truth.

We see the shifting happening in not just the geophysical but political, societal, moral, educational and spiritual arenas. It’s everywhere we look and in a pronounced way.

I’m sure you can feel shifting in your being as you notice yourself make great strides in so many arenas of your life. This even applies to the areas where you see backwards movement. Don’t despair. That too is part of shifting.

The physical shift of the Earth seems to have been making a slightly less than half degree movement every hundred years. Perhaps we’re close to the actual dramatic tipping point. Maybe we’re still far away from it.

We have to let go of our need to know when. I write this as a sort of therapy for myself because I want to know when and how. I have to keep bringing myself back to Now — which is all there really is.

Earth as our home and Mother serves as a teaching metaphor.

In her resilience, as she so often miraculously responds to upheaval, Earth teaches us to be resilient too. She teaches us to simply be good in each moment of our never-ending transit and shift.

Take each moment as it comes as does the Earth. Whatever happens we can always recover from it if we believe this is true.

We just have to roll with it all. Flow with the shifting process and ourselves be in flux. It’s what Earth does.

This world won’t end so much as transform and we right along with it.

This journey of shifting’s taking us someplace wonderful. Some call it a New Earth. At least it will be a very evolved life on an even more beautiful version of our current Earth.

You can tell this is so by how ugly some things look. Kabbalah teaches that the more awful a thing is, the greater the Light within it just waiting to burst forth.

And we’ll get there. We just aren’t sure exactly when.

In the meantime, use every speck of this time to become all that you are. Then should a momentous quintessential event occur, you’re completely able to help others get through it.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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