Pray Like You Know Who You Are. That’s How You Get What You Want.

Purusha Radha
5 min readOct 30, 2023


I was raised by a mother who prayed a lot. She’d get in bed with my sister and I at night, say each line of the Lord’s Prayer and we’d repeat after her.

I learned all my prayers that way. Prayer played a major role in our lives. We were devout Catholics and I mean, devout.

When we needed a money miracle (which was often) my mom, sister and I would do a nine-hour novena. We recited specific prayers very passionately to Mary, mother of Jesus, every hour on the hour.

After all these years, I still remember the Memorare, we prayed it so much. “Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help or sought thy intercession, was left unaided…”

And I must say, the money miracles happened.

I’ve thought about it a lot since then and I do believe our faith was key.

A bearded man crosses his hands over his heart in prayer

The Affirmative Prayer

In my spiritual journey which isn’t Catholic anymore, I’ve learned to pray affirmatively instead of beg. And I don’t try to make deals with God either.

If you know you’re a Divine Son or Daughter of the God the Infinite, then you know you don’t have to beg or strike a deal.

God the Infinite isn’t a quid pro quo being but limiting human egos are. Godliness just gives without strings attached. It doesn’t make deals anywhere in life.

In all your prayer, pray like you know that…

You. Are. Royalty.

Since the beginning, God the Infinite has constantly sought to expand Its own consciousness. It seeks to learn more about Itself through you, as you.

So all is given to you. You just have to decree it with a pure mind. A pure mind in prayer is important. There’s more about this here:

One day, when I became a mother myself, guess what I did?

When my son was old enough to understand, I recited prayers for him, line by line, to repeat after me. I knew it to be a very effective teaching tool!

The only difference was the kind of prayers I helped him memorize. Prayers I shared with him were way different from Catholic prayers I learned as a girl. Instead of begging, they declared.

Success In Prayer

I heard a Great Master once say two three-word sentences about prayer that struck me so powerfully they were seared into my mind:

What is abundance?…

Success in prayer.

Abundance is what everybody wants. When you have abundance in all areas of your life, you’re living as true heir of God the Infinite.

So how do we achieve success in prayer that creates abundance?

We should have the faith of little children as the bible says, yes.

But we must also realize God isn’t sitting on a throne in the sky. God the Infinite is within us, experiencing Itself as us. God isn’t an entity we ever have to beg.

If prayers go unanswered it’s only because the one praying doesn’t fully understand God or prayer.

If you’re begging in your prayers, you may be appealing to a lesser God.

Pleading and beseeching creates more impotent prayer. Needy prayer forms energy waves that a lesser God picks up.

And lesser Gods do exist. In fact, most people don’t realize the Gods they pray to in religions and churches are actually lesser Gods.

They’re not God the Infinite.

Any God who’d be wrathful, vengeful and decide everything for your life is indeed a very much lesser God. That’s the God of the bible. It’s not God the Infinite, All That Is, Source.

On some level, many of us have a sense of lesser Gods. Even the movie, Children of a Lesser God, seems to acknowledge these Gods exist. The title infers that those who suffer terribly are born from a creator who made mistakes or delighted in creating disability.

That’s not the God I ever want to pray to. And I won’t.

A woman with arms outstretched and golden wings of Light basks in the Light of God the Infinite

As offspring of Prime Creator, it follows that like our God, we create everything in our lives.

A multiverse must be ordered in order to function. And order means law, therefore Universal Law is absolute. The laws apply to all things and everyone, including the Infinite.

Our thoughts, feelings, words and actions are formative creative prayers. This is a big subject for contemplation.

I may have been taught to plead in prayer as a child but I understand my divinity now. Power and knowing live within me.

These are attributes we inherit from Source.

So like Source, as a daughter of Source, I declare what I desire. I cause these things to be.

And unless you’re mesmerized with the beauty of the sky or ceiling, don’t look up when you pray. Stop relegating the Infinite to a place in the sky.

That’s an attempt to limit what cannot be limited.

God the Infinite is never far away off in the sky somewhere. We’re always connected. It’s just that we don’t pause to really listen and feel that connection.

Add to that that we’ve been programmed to believe that next to God, we’re little or nothing.

This just isn’t so. God doesn’t create inferiority. Maybe a lesser God does, but not my God.

In Its infinite Love, God gives us everything of Itself. We just have to open our eyes, uncover and make use of our buried gifts…

Our Inheritance.

In your moments of prayer, get really present to yourself. Don’t look up. Look within.

Feel within you the Eternal Flame of the One Source. Become one with it for you are God incarnate and have the power through any decree you make… to create.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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