You Don’t Just Stumble Upon a High Spiritual Life.

Like a sacred river, it flows from within you.

Purusha Radha
7 min readOct 28, 2023

No one’s going to create your spiritual life for you. There’s no angel who’s going to swoop in and tap your head with fairy dust.

Actually you might get tapped with fairy dust but it’ll be because you earned it.

A golden Goddess with arms outstretched flow golden Light from within herself and all around her

You get out of life, including the spiritual life, what you put into it. Your results match the energy you give it.

This doesn’t mean you have to work hard at your spiritual life. ‘Work-hard’ energy is always counterproductive. It can turn something that’s meant to be beautiful into a drudgery.

When you allow yourself to flow with the devotions and practices you love and enjoy, your spiritual life will definitely blossom.

And the spiritual life can truly be a DIY kind of thing. You’re not actually doing it all yourself. Divine help and guidance are given to those who ask and who demonstrate where their heart is.

You don’t really need a church, spiritual org or teacher in the physical form. I know because I was cast out of a spiritual group and ever since I’ve thrived even more than before.

I thrived in my spiritual life because I knew had to make it on my own now. And what a fantastic gift that was.

You can’t stay in the nest forever if you want to spread your wings and fly.

Wanting to accelerate my spiritual progress, I asked for and declared it. I needed to be able to get most of my knowledge and wisdom from within myself.

I created a structure and environment for myself to support my aspiration. And that’s when I really took off. It’s also when I got really joyful and began truly loving my life.

If you want it, the Divine realm will support you through your dreams and insights and messages whispered within your being. It will lead you to enlightening books and sources, encounters and experiences.

You will never walk alone on your spiritual path.

Keep your spiritual practice simple. You don’t have to make it a complicated thing.

Simplicity is the reflection of the spiritual life. It’s the reflection of the Divine Itself.

God the Infinite doesn’t make things complicated. We do.

It’s been said that if you focus on only one sacred text or even one page of that text for the rest of your life, you can become a spiritual Master. It’s interesting how devoting the mind to just one truth unlocks the secrets of all the others.

Said Vincent van Gogh:

If one is master of one thing and understands one thing well, one has at the same time, insight into and understanding of many things.

So keeping the spiritual life simple is wise. You don’t need to run to every class or sign up for every webinar.

In fact, a simple sacred text, studied and contemplated on will open many stargates for you. There are layers and layers of meanings in those texts. It really could take a lifetime to realize them all.

Spirituality is meant to blossom and flow. It will present challenges to you to learn from, but if it’s not joyful, something’s wrong.

A flowing spiritual life will uplift you and support you to solve your problems. It will empower you to integrate all your past hurts and traumas and feel whole once again.

Create a structure in your life that supports your spiritual essence.

Develop daily spiritual practices. Do them not because you think you should but because you want to.

In fact, you do them because you can’t wait to. They charge you with Light and that makes you excited about life.

A small burning candle against a dark blue background; a sacred book is open and a blue sort of ectoplasmic energy arising from the pages of the book

If you feel like you’re spinning your wheels in life, it’s only because you haven’t yet built a strong spiritual foundation. Stop and have a look at that.

Maybe you struggle to find time to meditate, contemplate, pray, see any modicum of the Great Unseen, or hear from spirit guides.

It happens for one reason only.

You don’t really want it, because if you did you’d make developing yourself a priority. It’s really as simple as that.

Through the years, I get contacted frequently by people looking for some kind of spiritual guidance. They love to explain their problems and when I respond they don’t like the answer.

Lots of people like them would rather live on the surface and skirt around their spirituality. And I think it’s because they know the authentic spiritual life is going to demand some things of them.

It’s going to demand they get honest with themselves. They’ll need to dive in deep to get anything out of it. It will take a certain devotion of energy.

But lots of people would rather say they’ve got a spiritual life and then turn around and watch television for hours.

One person reached out to me recently asking me how he could find out what home planet in the future he comes from. This is some kind of ego gratification. It’s not a real and deep spiritual pursuit.

But having said this, there’s a profound answer to his question.

While he probably does have a home world in the future, it’s not all that important to know. What is important, I told him, is to develop himself and his intuitive mind in order to know.

Well, he heard that and he was quickly out of there.

I’m not saying you can’t watch television or have fun the way you like to. And I’m not saying you need to practice spiritual devotions for hours every day either.

You’ll largely develop your spiritual life in the living of every day, from morning until night and then all night long.

Become aware of and put an end to distracting destructive patterns. Stop reaffirming you’re sick, lonely, poor, or have no time or energy.

Stop drifting on the sea in a boat with no rudder. Navigate the ocean of your life. Guide your spirituality rudder.

If you’re stuck spiritually, don’t say your spiritual life “means everything” to you. If it did, you’d be the living embodiment of it.

Stop talking about it and live it. Develop yourself to receive insights of your own.

If you want to become a spiritual Master, you’ll want to fully embrace many or all of these simple practices (and whatever others come to you):

  • Take time to listen to God the Infinite within you in meditation at least once a day.
  • Sweetly appreciate every little thing from your humble breakfast to the buzzing bumble bee.
  • Affirm everything you want to be, do and have at least twice a day (there’s method for that; read my post here).
  • Create a home environment that reflects your spirituality.
  • Study the words and actions of spiritual Masters of antiquity (not the ones on bestseller lists who often aren’t really masters at all).
  • Keep television and mainstream news consumption to a minimum. Pharmaceutical commercials, too. They only reinforce the lie you have to get sick and die someday.
  • Explore quantum mechanics.
  • Know yourself as healer. Anonymously send arcs of healing light to those in need.
  • Be kind and compassionate. Defer to others out in public with a glint in your eye and a smile on your face.
  • Look for ways to serve others.
  • Journal as a means of self-discovery and growth.
  • Remain sovereign and keep yourself out of dogmatic churches and groups.
  • Develop yourself and your mind to hear your guides, galactic companions and Oversoul who talk to and guide you. Invite them in. Give them carte-blanche to speak to you 24/7.
  • Watch your habits of speech and convert them to the most uplifting and creative.
  • Enjoy some part of the natural world every day.
  • Detach as an observer from the strife of world events. Do care but take the middle way.
  • Take the road less traveled. Choose the opposite way everyone else is going. They’re mostly unconscious so why would you take their lead?
  • Choose to live and think in the realm of all possibility. Expand your thinking. Intend to use more of your unused brain.
  • Reach beyond the limitations of your human capabilities and what other people say is possible for you.
  • Ask your most highly evolved spiritual guides for lessons and tutoring in high spiritual concepts.
  • Understand that it’s your mind that creates your health, longevity and success in life
  • Intend and know that miracles of your normal way of life

The more you dive into your spirituality and allow yourself to hear the urgings of your soul and Spirit, the more wondrous your life will be.

If you wait for a robust spiritual life to just happen to you, you’ll wait a very long time. In fact, you’ll be on to the next lifetime carrying that unfulfillment with you.

It’s never too late and spiritual Mastery doesn’t have to take a lifetime. It just takes true desire and a bit of focus every single day.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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