What Matters Most to You in Life?

Purusha Radha
4 min readOct 12, 2023


That’s a big question — one we don’t very often ask ourselves.

I know it’s a big question that shoots right to the heart. When I published a conscious living magazine a number of years ago, I asked the readers this same question. And I was astonished at the number of responses that came back.

It’s the consummate question. And answering it tells us everything we need to know about ourselves.

Ask yourself what matters most to you in life and a lot of spot-on answers will bubble up. Love. Family. Home. A relationship with your Creator. Prosperity.

Then there’s a finer more detailed picture that gives depth to your answers and without any words whatsoever.

Look at your home.

Your home, your sanctuary, tells a lot about you and your priorities in life.

A clean and ordered home reflects a person who strives for a pure Spirit, mind and body.

One tends to beget the other:

  • Clean up your home to give love and expansion to your Spirit.
  • Develop your spirituality and you just naturally want a clean ordered home.

If you say your home is your safe refuge, have you truly made it so? Is home the place you want to fly to after a day being out in the world because it’s just so positively welcoming?

What’s in your refrigerator and pantry? If physical vitality matters enormously to you in life, you’ve probably got lots of good healthy foods to eat.

Or it might be that your health seems to matter to you but your food stocks don’t match what health is. Maybe you need to make some adjustments.

Even more than my words, my actions penetrate my being and the universe.

Look at your relationships.

Is there abiding love and not the kind that controls and manipulates? That’s not love. Do you nurture your relationships in a healthy way — a way that does not repeat old sick patterns?

Are your relationships healthy? Are there situations you simply need to walk away from?

Do you understand what a healthy relationship is? Many of us don’t and it may be hard to find another who does.

Perhaps begin with the relationship you have with yourself. Create solid ground there with yourself first. Then if no one ever comes along, you’ll still be in wonderful place.

If you say you love having people in your life but you don’t reach out to them, you’re a friend or loved one in name only.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Look at your habits and practices.

Do your habits and practices truly line up with what you desire, what you think you care about?

Is one of your habits actually an addiction destructive to your life? Addictions are difficult and take priority, becoming in truth the thing that matters to us most in life.

At the same time, addictions to substance or other low vibration practices can be pathways to higher spirituality. To be an alcoholic, for example, is the most spiritual lifetime one could ever have. It doesn’t look like it on the surface but it is. Addictions contain the seed opportunity to discover great Light.

Is your spiritual life of enormous importance to you? If so, do you live it 24/7? Do you take time to contemplate yourself to grow spiritually and as a person? Have you developed yourself in spiritual practices that increase you?

If health matters most to you, do you:

  • exercise your body regularly?
  • learn what real nutrition is then feed your body that way?
  • nourish your mind to support your health?

Look at your prosperity. Does it matter a great deal to you?

If you feel you don’t have the prosperity that matters to you, this means one thing. You haven’t lined up what you care about with your thoughts, attitudes and actions.

Look to see the destructive pattern and emotions that cause lack in your life. Once you identify these, get really honest with yourself. Own these causes. You created them.

Only then will you thaw the frozen energy you’ve created in the flow of prosperity in your life.

Line it all up.

Maybe you’ve been thinking about what matters most to you in life while you’re reading this article.

Perhaps you’re noticing that you’re not actually getting what matters most to you.

It’s only because your actions don’t match your words. You’re not motivated enough to take action. You don’t have the emotion to fuel taking action. You’re just not feeling it. And that’s a sign.

Maybe you have to rethink what matters most to you because if it really did, that emotion would be there to push you. It could be that for now what you think you care about is not truly important to you.

You may need to do some soul searching so your words line up with your actions. This is being an authentic person.

What matters most to you in life? It’s a good question.

And asking the question opens the door to a lot of self-knowledge and discovery.

I’d love to hear your Comments on what matters most in life to you.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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