You’re Probably Practicing Yoga Without Even Realizing It.

Purusha Radha
4 min readOct 7, 2023


Yoga is about far more than most people think. Really, anything you do with heart, consistence and intent is a yoga.

When the idea of yoga comes to mind, most people mentally conjure both simple and elaborate physical postures. This limits what yoga truly is.

When you study the original meaning of the word yoga, you see that it means:

to join or become one with Supreme Spirit.

That is the ultimate goal of any and all yogas. If your focus is only on the physical, you’re not open to its fullest potential.

Yoga holds the promise of leading you to a spiritual experience. In the most common form called hatha yoga, its originally meaning is:

forced meditation.

Hatha yoga requires you to focus on performing physical postures. When you focus like that, your normally chattering mind gets diverted to the pose. It makes it easier for you to clear pathways to hear God the Infinite speak to you.

This is why they say yoga yokes or binds you to Spirit. It truly can and does make this spiritual union possible.

With that understanding, yoga is about much more than what most people think.

Yes, there are many forms of yoga that don’t involve performing physical poses. And you very well may be practicing one of these already without even realizing it.

  • If you dedicate yourself to a robust meditation practice combined with learning to control and sharpen the mind, you practice Raja yoga. This yoga is considered the highest and most challenging route you can take to enlightenment. (If this form of yoga speaks to you, have a look at my book on Amazon.)
  • If you are focused on truly knowing and understanding yourself as the Great Spirit you are, you practice Jnana yoga. You look at yourself from all angles and integrate past traumas instead of shunning them. Honesty with self with the goal of self-knowledge is your priority.
  • You practice Karma yoga if you’re in selfless service to others. If you offer service in your church or give to the homeless, you’re in karma yoga practice.
  • And if you’re very prayerful and mindful and practice an unwavering devotion to the Divine, this is Bhakti yoga. You perhaps have an altar in your home with candles burning. You make spiritual offerings for people who suffer. You change your altar often. It reminds you daily of your love for God the Infinite.

But yoga goes beyond even these forms.

Anything you do with heart, consistence and intent is a yoga.

These are yoga too:

  • Speaking positive uplifting affirmations and mantras to create your life as you want it to be
  • Practicing nighttime or before sunrise walking meditation
  • Visualizing with a focused mind the way you want your life to look; creating a vision board and gazing at it often
  • Practicing not judging any other person you encounter in your life; seeing first and only the beautiful in every person
  • Chanting and singing sacred song or the Names of God
  • Creating works of art that come from the belly of your soul
  • Journaling as means of self-discovery and knowing
  • Learning to play a musical instrument noticing the rich texture of life through music
  • Writing as a practice through which you intend to uplift the world in some small way
  • Studying, truly studying, anything; going beyond the surface to see multidimensional layers of meaning
  • Studying high spiritual concepts like quantum mechanics and in the ways mentioned just above
  • Exercising your body regularly in activities like walking, weight training, bicycling or sports
  • Gardening as an act of love for nature; talking to the sprouts, the blooms, the plants and soil; putting love into all of it
  • Cleaning your home as an act of love for self and family; making your home a place for worthy of nobility (not talking fancy here, but clean, organized and comforatble)
  • Preparing and even eating food as an act of love for self and family; putting your love vibrations into all food you prepare; uplifting it to the highest vibration possible by your decree and intention

We are practicing yoga all the time.

It’s all spiritual — and all part of the spiritual journey.

If you do anything mindfully and consistently, you’re practicing a form of yoga.

Don’t ever think that because you don’t or can’t perform postures the more physical kinds of yoga demand, that you aren’t in yoga.

Yoga is any practice that creates spiritual union between you and God the Infinite.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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