Rub’s October 2015 microreviews

Ruben Llibre
5 min readNov 1, 2015


Or a month of beers and going back to the 80s movies.

Recommended to watch:

First up, out of the 10 movies seen this month, this ones i recommend watching just cause:

  • The Final Girls
  • Back to the Future
  • Bridge of Spies

Recommended from other periods: 2014, January 2015, February 2015, March 2015, Abril 2015, May 2015, June 2015, July 2015, August 2015, September 2015.


Disclaimer and Legend:

* Movie name links to imdb when possible. IMDb/Rotten Tomato scores are from when i wrote the review so they might differ when you read.

* Stars are granted on a 5-star scale and are not meant to be compared universally but (perhaps) with equally themed movies. 5 stars for a romantic comedy doesn’tcompare to 5 stars on a action movie; genre and purpose matter.

* A “+” in a star scale means it’s better than equally starred movies it may contend with. Ratings are based on my opinion at the moment and may change cause reasons.

Living Is Easy with Eyes Closed(2013) — 108 min (1h 48m) — Comedy, Drama

Very amusing road trip movie from a very specific time-period in spanish history. I like how the character’ journeys developed organically off each other.

Good if you like: road trip movies, the beatles

My Rating:★★★✰✰+ imdb: 7 /10 RT: 100 /100

Skeleton twins(2014)

— 93 min (1h 33m) — Comedy, Drama

I can’t really recommend this movie, the premise had potential but it seems wasted on a story that goes nowhere new. Well, scratch that, some char developments i didn’t expect, but meh.

Good if you like: estranged family movies

My Rating:★✰✰✰✰ imdb: 6.9 /10 RT: 87 /100

The martian(2015) — 144 min (2h 24m) — Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi

The joke about how many times hollywood has had to save Matt Damon won’t run old. This movie feels like a ode to science in some ways, don’t watch close to gravity to avoid comparing!

Good if you like: perils of space movies, science, nasa

My Rating:★★★✰✰ imdb: 8.3 /10 RT: 93 /100

Lost boys(1987) — 97 min (1h 37m) — Comedy, Horror

This movie HASN’T aged well, but it has a certain 80s charm that’s hard to shake off. Also some hard cheesy lines.

Good if you like: 80s new-to-town movies, vampires

My Rating:★★✰✰✰ imdb: 7.2 /10 RT: 72 /100

Tomorrowland(2015) — 130 min (2h 10m) — Action, Adventure, Family

What is tomorrowland? Watch to find out! The movie has one big glaring problem regarding awkward age differences in love, also, it feels soul-less somehow. Oh well, still tomorroland would be such a cool real life place

Good if you like: disney movies?

My Rating:★★✰✰✰ imdb: 6.5 /10 RT: 50 /100

The final girls(2015) — 88 min (1h 28m) — Comedy, Horror

Awesome movie!! Who knew meta-movies could be good?! A great twist on known movie formulas and plots, the cinematography on this one is pretty cool, some lovely colors out there, do watch in a light mood!

Good if you like: 80s slasher movies, horror-comedy

My Rating:★★★★✰ imdb: 6.9 /10 RT: 71 /100

Inside Out(2015)

— 94 min (1h 34m) — Animation, Adventure, ComedyOne of the better pixar movies of the latest years, if your inner emotions don’t run wild with this movie, your emotions are dead! The way pixar handles a very serious topic (sadness, depression, changes in life) in such a silly, fun way is further proof that they are absolute masters of the kid-adult genre.

Good if you like: pixar movies, subtle

My Rating:★★★★✰+ imdb: 8.5 /10 RT: 98 /100

Back to the future(1985) — 116 min (1h 56m) — Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi

THE time travel movie, i feel like there’s little to say that other than watch it. Robert Zemeckis is brilliant in this movie, just brilliant.

Good if you like: time travel movies, 1950s

My Rating:★★★★✰ imdb: 8.5 /10 RT: 96 /100

The party(1968) — 99 min (1h 39m) — Comedy

Sellers is such a master of physical comedy it’s not even funny. Or… wait… it is. Watch this for a study case on low-dialogue comedy.

Good if you like: accidental comedy, awkward parties

My Rating:★★★✰✰ imdb: 7.6 /10 RT: 83 /100

Bridge of spies(2015)

— 141 min (2h 21m) — Biography, Drama, HistorySolid old-style spy flick, a tad slow but good all around, worth a check to see they still make good movies like they used to.

Good if you like: spy movies, spielberg

My Rating:★★★★✰ imdb: 8.3 /10 RT: 89 /100

That’s it for oktoberfest month, what did you watch ?

