2 0 1 (5) Movies — Changed My View Of The World

5 min readDec 28, 2015


by ronatory

Photo Credit: Jose Murillo

We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference — Nelson Mandela

This is my #StartWith1Thing after I watched the movie Racing Extinction. Besides Artificial Intelligence and the post The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence, the 5 movies which I show in this story, made me really think about how we are living these days and if not everybody start to change, how the future will look like.

Racing Extinction (2015)

Wikipedia Racing Extinction Poster

In 200 years people will look back on this particular period and say to them self how did those people on that time just allow all these amazing creatures to vanish — Jane Goodall

First of all I will start with Racing Extinction, which motivates me to write this story. The documentary is about the ongoing Anthropogenic mass extinction of species and the efforts from scientists, activists and journalists.

Global warming from greenhouse gas emissions is identified as leading cause of extinction, as organisms cannot adapt to unprecedented changes in not only temperature, but weather, ocean chemistry and atmospheric composition. Carbon dioxide and methane emissions from transportation, animals and factories are made visible to the human eye for the first time in this movie. Looked really scary…

The filmmakers also exposing a whale meat restaurant in the US and undercover investigations of the shark fin and Manta ray gill trade in Hong Kong and China for traditional medicines. The movie also documents the successful efforts to include manta rays on the list of protected species.

The movie implicates overpopulation, globalisation and animal agriculture as leading causes of extinction.

Watch the Trailer

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014)

Wikipedia Cowspiracy Poster

They are one of the the largest industries on the planet, with the biggest environmental impact. And they are trying to keep us in the dark about how they are operating. — Will Potter

The movie explores the impact of animal agriculture on the environment and investigates the policies of environmental organizations on this issue.

The trust of the movie is that agriculture is the most destructive industry in the world today, responsible for global warming, deforestation, drought, murders of land activists.

It also shows that the environmental charities that are spending millions taking to task fossil-fuel and aviation companies, mining and logging giants, palm oil and paper producer, but never mention the global agriculture industry.

Watch the Trailer

Chasing Ice (2012)

Wikipedia Chasing Ice Poster

I think [Chasing Ice is] the strongest evidence that anybody’s put forth in a format that a layperson can understand. — James Balog

This documentary movie is about the efforts of nature photographer James Balog to publicize the effect of climate change. It includes scenes from a glacier calving, lasting 75 minutes, the longest ever captured on film.

It took a hundred years for the glacier to retreat eight miles from 1900 to 2000 from 2000 to 2010 it retreated nine miles so in 10 years it retreated more than it had in the previous one hundred.

Watch the largest glacier calving ever filmed

Balog and his team were able to collect time-lapse photo that depict the drastic erosion and disappearance of enormous, ancient glaciers.

Watch the trailer

Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine (2015)

Wikipedia Steve Jobs The Man In The Machine

The motivation to make the film was why so many people who didn’t know Steve Jobs were weeping when he left — Alex Gibney

In this film Gibney shows Steve Jobs as a marketing genius who revolutionized the PC and then made us addicted to smartphones. There was one part in this documentary which I will never forget. It’s the part where Gibney exposes things that could make you think less about Apple. It’s the part about the top supplier Foxconn. The film suggests that workers in China who were on the assembly line making iPhones, along with earning considerably low wages, suffered nerve damage while putting the phones together. Over a two-year span, 18 workers killed themselves at Foxconn.

Watch the trailer

The True Cost (2015)

I don’t want anyone wearing anything which is produced by our blood. — Shima Akhter

The last movie is about the “fast fashion” industry, which changed my view about clothes and fashion. The movie details the devastating effects on the people in third world countries who produce the cheap clothing and are essentially treated as disposable cogs in a machine.

Watch the trailer




Why wouldn’t you try to make the future better if you’re going to be a part of it ronatory.com