Art, Heart and Progress - The Art Galleries and Centres

saeeda bukhari
7 min readMar 15, 2016


Ayed Arafeh and Rana Samara at “crossroads” collective exhibition - students from the International Academy of Art - Palestine

In a shared world, I, like many, believe that it is a legitimate act, to raise issue when things are glaringly unfair and the institutions we have created to respond in arbitration are not responding adequately, to end the state of unfairness. I appreciate that this is not an easy task. In that spirit, this blog seeks to highlight the centres of art and protest, by and for Palestinians.

I have tried to include a wide range of artists from different perspectives, from across the world. I myself am learning about this conflict and the artists as I build this collection, this is currently a living page, being updated as you read, expect edit notes.

This is not an endorsement of the political views of any of the artists; mainly because I do not have the right to comment on how Palestinians should see their future.

When Politicians Fail

Artists of all genres have decided to nudge the world towards progress

The failure of politicians and illusory peace talks are evidenced by concrete walls and continuing blockades. However all is not lost, as among other efforts, an explosion of political art — charts a more grass roots effort, to end the stalemate. From performance art to street art. “Art, Heart and Progress,” collates, some of the artistic efforts, that have created a formidable civil society, concerned with the intransigence of politician in the face of very real suffering.

Originally a single blog post, I have split this into four parts, sometimes the contents overlap, it has also expanded out of the confines of art activism to Palestinian Art and Art History, however since their history has for some time been that of resistance, the subjects also overlap:

  • Art, Heart and Progress — The Artists
  • Art, Heart and Progress — The Art Galleries
  • Art, Heart and Progress — Art Activism
  • Art, Heart and Progress — Photography

The order of the sections is changing and likely to remain chaotic, jumping backwards and forwards in time and to and fro from Palestinians to International Artists and Events. This is not helped by that fact that there are hundreds, if not thousands of sites to choose from, all exploring art from a different perspective. I am at the moment keeping away from the most controversial images, however I am disappointing myself in doing so.

The sections at the moment are:

  1. A Message
  2. Art Galleries and Centres
  3. Bibliography

A Message

Are we responsible for making sure that non-violent political struggle is effective and succeeds? What happens when we block it?

Larissa Sansour, Visual Artist from Palestine/UK/Denmark, who participated in the first world conference on artistic freedom of expression, ‘All that is banned is desired’, held in Oslo on 25–26 October 2012

Art Galleries and Art Centres

Art Gallery Tamra [Location and website address not found]

The art gallery is referenced in the book, “The Origins of Palestinian Art” by Bashir Makhoul and Gordon Hon, however nothing was returned from my search.

Al-Housh-Gallery — Jerusalem

“…the Palestinian Art Court — Al Hoash was established at the end of 2004, as a non profit organization that works in the field of culture, specifically in visual arts. Al Hoash was founded by a number of Palestinian enthusiasts who sensed the crucial need for a professional body to revive and preserve visual arts, being a major part of the Palestinian cultural identity. Since its establishment, Al Hoash has hosted many exhibitions, implemented several workshops as well as competitions, and has released several publications. Al Hoash was established to house comprehensive collections of Palestinian art and to fill the need for a community-based art center. Its current location in the heart of Jerusalem is ideal for that purpose: several schools, public service organizations and hotels surround it…” blurb lifted from

Al Ma’Mal Foundation for Contemporary Art -Jerusalem

“Al-Ma’Mal is a non-profit organisation based in Jerusalem’s Old City, that aims to promote, instigate, disseminate and facilitate the making of art

Founded in 1997, Al Ma’Mal serves as an advocate for contemporary art and a catalyst for the realisation of art projects by organising exhibitions and events, presentations and creative encounters in the form of film screenings, artists’ talks, public readings and performance are central activities in one of the foundation’s missions to raise public awareness and understanding of contemporary art and creative practice… Al Ma’Mal is determined to make Jerusalem a centre for contemporary art, while considering the situation on the ground and the enduring qualities of Jerusalem” - Blurb lifted from the Foundation’s web page:

AM Qattan Foundation

“The A.M. Qattan Foundation (AMQF) is an independent, not-for-profit developmental organisation working in the fields of culture and education, with a particular focus on children, teachers and young artists… The Foundation manages The Palestinian Performing Arts Network (PAN)…[and is working for]… A just, free, enlightened, and tolerant society with an active global presence, one that embraces dialogue and produces knowledge, art and literature” - Blurb lifted from the AM Qattan Foundation about page.

Al-Wasiti Art Center — Jerusalem

The website is down and I cannot find any up to date information about this gallery. “Al-Wasiti Art Centre was established in 1994 in response to the need for a centre specifically dedicated to the development of Palestinian fine arts. This need arose out of several concerns. Throughout years of Israeli occupation, Palestinian artistic practice was severely constrained by the ruling authorities; artists were placed under town arrest, paintings confiscated, and exhibitions closed. Nevertheless, artistic creativity continued, albeit under extremely difficult circumstances. During this time, the Palestinian community had little opportunity to attend exhibitions, nor were they able to develop their understanding and appreciation of art. Al-Wasiti Art Center was established with the aim of addressing this problem. — Blurb lifted from

The Ibdaa Cultural Centre - Gallilee

The art gallery is referenced in the book, “The Origins of Palestinian Art” by Bashir Makhoul and Gordon Hon, however nothing was returned from my search.

The International Academy of Art - Palestine - Ramallah

We are a unique community of artists, individuals and institutional partnerships, established in 2006…We are particularly concerned with how to teach contemporary art in a manner that addresses the historical, theoretical and practical breadth of the field, and that engages with local knowledge, geopolitical contexts and lived realities of Palestine” - Blurb lifted from the about page of the academy

The Rashad Shawa Cultural Center - Gaza

The building was originally created as a cultural and exhibition centre, however currently hosts local government offices too. It is named after the former Mayor of Gaza and was opened in 1988. The last post, I can find about the centre is from 2014, so I have no idea of exhibitions are still being held there.

The Umm el-Fahem Art Gallery

“The Umm el-Fahem Art Gallery was founded in 1996, on the initiative of local residents and artists who wanted to bring quality contemporary art to the city and its population and to exhibit original Arab and Palestinian art.

With a lack of other art galleries in the Arab sector in Israel, the gallery has become an important social and cultural meeting place. Contemporary art exhibits, symposiums, creative workshops and seminars have drawn large audiences and have established the gallery as an important center in the local and international culture scene”. - Blurb extract from

Zawyeh — Ramallah

Zawyeh Art Gallery is an independent visual art gallery in Ramallah, Palestine. It was founded by Ziad Anani in December 2013. In addition to presenting local artists to an international audience, the gallery’s mission is to promote established and emerging artists from Palestine through various thematic exhibitions. Zawyeh exhibits artworks in a large variety of media including painting,sculpture, photography, and video. The gallery hosts monthly shows and plans to participate in several international art fairs.



2013, Bashir Makhoul and Gordon Hon, “The Origins of Palestinian Art”, Published by Liverpool University Press, 2013

2009, Boullata, Kamal, “Palestinian Art from 1850 to the Present”, Published by SAQI

2010, Parry, William, “Against the Wall”, Published by Pluto Press


Blog about Palestinian Museums put together by Taawon: Palestinian Conflict Resolution Institute

Further Reading

A Flute in Palestine, Making Art in an Apartheid State by Sandy Tolan for The Nation —

Louis Theourx and the Ultra Zionists (2011) BBC Documentary on YouTube:

Short-circuited lives: Why my family is facing eviction from our home in the Old City of Jerusalem by Rafat Sub Laban in Salon in_the_old_city_of_jerusalem/

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