Everyone has a story to tell

Sukh Anand
2 min readJul 4, 2017


This week post goes for Support Driven writing challenge on “Networking and meeting new people”

Talking to strangers, knowing more about them, be in a regular touch — these were never my cup of tea when I was in school/college. But then with the growing age and per my team role, to me, it became a mandatory part. Being a team lead or a manager, you need to talk — to know more about your team members, to be close to them, to be approachable, to allow them to discuss themselves with you.

However, it never ended here. With the passage of time, it increased with the help of my friends and of course, Support Driven Community. SD always encourages me to talk to people, learn about them, and then expand the network. It feels like I know so many people around the globe and can approach anyone for seeking help or sharing the ideas, to get innovative ideas to deal tough situations. I won’t discuss the names here but I have SO MANY to talk with for mentoring/grooming. Feels like, I have ALL OF THEM stand by my side! :)


Growing my network does not only support me to brush my skills, but also enhances confidence and helps me to know different aspects of same theme. With this, I have developed a habit to start the conversation with people I never met. Let it be someone I met in my office lift working at some other office, or someone working at a higher profile in one of the known organisation. Or the people at airport. I am not afraid to talk with them! (recently was praised by someone lol)

I don’t have any tricks or tips to add to it. It’s just we all are humans and people love to talk to humans, not to robots! (being just honest)

Be yourself! Be humble! Lend your ears!

On another note, it is not always factual that you need to connect with the alike people, who belongs to your profession only or surroundings. To me, adding different professionals in your network is worth to expand your horizon and learn new things. Remember the quote -

“Learn from everyone like bees collects honey from flowers!”

Next month, will be cracking and visiting SDX! Looking forward to meeting some of them in person in Support Driven Expo! (so excited!)



Sukh Anand

Head Customer Success & Support @socialpilot, X-Unifyed, X - @Kayako Fanatic about #customerhappiness.#custexp #support dedicate weekends to #family