BBC*: Part 4— The Twitter library? Something new!

Svetlana Lukyanova
3 min readJun 9, 2019


We are three people from all over Europe (from France passing by Hungary and arriving to Russia) and our “Swedish developers” team was created in order to open for ourselves the world of advertising and marketing. Finally we created our company “BBC — Break the Border Company”. The aim of “BBC” is to help brands get into the market, break their borders by providing marketing and advertising services. If you are ready to boost up your company, just let us know! Welcome to share our journey in Medium! ❤

The analysis of the “Twitter library project” was an important stage for us if we wanted to move on in our self-education. So we watched it again and again in order to understand how and why did it work that good. And finally we elabortated for ourselves the most important questions that supposed to guide us all they way of the analysis.

Here is what we found out…


The agency 23 stories X Conde Nast.


The USA. (Actually it was a traveling company of 3 days. 1st one was in 2017 in June in New York. And then the company made a tour of the biggest cities of USA and in each city they stayed for 3 days).


Trump presidential Twitter library.

For whom?

For the potential/ actual electors, from millennials up to older people.

What for?

The company was created in order to increase the attention of people to the new politics, the new president and his new way to communicate and to be closer to the population of his country. And to not to have the “classical” image of the “boring” president who is not on time with innovations. It’s a promotional company to have a good image and to boost Trump’s popularity.

Why they were on the top?

Since Roosevelt every president had his library and Trump as a president, to continue the tradition but to stay unique, needed also a library but in a different innovative way. It’s a controversial way to show the library where the visitors can see at the same time the library, the exhibition and also they can be the actors of the visit.

It was a completelu new way of thinking! Innovations built on the base of respect of traditions… that’s what people wanted to have.

After a grope brainstorming and reaching out many interesting and useful information for us, we were ready to create our own communication agency.

Our team: Charlie Courrent, Eliána Bödei and Svetlana Lukyanova. Betty Tsakarestou

Our story: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, Presentation.

