Men Aren’t Looking for “Princess Treatment”

The World's "Happiest" Medium
4 min readOct 18, 2023


For a man, looking for emotional support or understanding from a woman can be a lot like looking for water in a desert. Simply put, you’re probably going to die before finding what you need. But in the desert scenario, no one is going to mock you for wanting water.

Far too many women look down on men wanting to take an emotional stand. They say these men want princess treatment, meaning they want special care and attention. Because not being happy while being treated like shit is apparently special treatment at this point in the world of dating.

Not All Women But Enough

It’s important to be clear that not all women are like this. In fact, it’s probably fair to say that most women are not dismissive of men’s feelings. The problem is the ones who are dismissive are incredibly loud and tend to dominate the conversation, particularly on social media.

When you cruise TikTok, it’s easy to find women complaining about men. And vice versa, of course. Honestly, you can find someone complaining about pretty much anything on TikTok when it comes to relationships and dating. That seems to be a large part of the platform’s content.

If you’re a woman who is interested in men, there is no shortage of other women telling you why men are the problem. It can be quite ridiculous being that so much of what these ladies peddle is bullshit in exchange for views and likes.

Look, we’ve been over some of this before. And if you’ve been on social media at all, you know exactly what I’m talking about. There’s enough that it’s kind of a problem, especially when it comes to the new complaint of male princess treatment.

Giving Men Princess Treatment

Princess treatment is when someone in a relationship is given extra special care and attention. This can take any number of forms, from simple things like never doing any of the driving or cleaning to not having to work at all. Essentially, it means different things to different people.

The other part of the equation is the fact that princess treatment only applies to one member of the relationship. For someone to receive princess treatment, someone has to provide princess treatment. In most cases, it’s the man providing princess treatment to the woman.

According to some female TikTokers, men are now seeking princess treatment. But are men looking to be princess passengers or pillow princesses? Nope. They just want to have their emotions acknowledged and be treated like actual human beings.

Apparently, this qualifies as princess treatment to some women and they are mocking men for it. When you wonder why your man doesn’t want to talk or share his feelings, this is the answer. When they do, there is all too often a woman waiting to admonish them for it.

More Like Human Treatment

It’s hard to say when being treated like a person became princess treatment but that’s how it seems to be these days. What’s even more perplexing about this is it’s often just men standing up for themselves, and that gets them the princess label.

Don’t want to chase women? That’s princess treatment.

Want to talk about your feelings? Definitely princess treatment.

Setting healthy boundaries? Princess treatment to the max.

None of this seems like princess treatment so much as it does being treated like a human with complex emotions who is of value. Still, there are women who are used to men acting a certain way. For them, a man wanting to be emotionally fulfilled might seem like princess treatment. It’s not.

Again, this is not about all women. Most are supportive and wonderful people who have been repeatedly screwed over by various men in their personal and professional lives. But there are women out there making it impossible for men who want to be more open with their emotions.

To any man feeling this way, your emotions are valid and worth exploring. There are women out there who will support you, so find one and cherish her. She may be worth actual princess treatment. The women who judge your emotions? Walk away and leave it at that.

