#8. Game Changers: What’s next?

Vivien Lobenwein
Dare to Challenge
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2017

Game Changers

Our group’s aim was to create some changes in the fields of environment, sustainable cities, communities, ecology trough connecting people. The idea was based on our first impressions of Athens, concretely of the most famous beach: Edem. We are all beachaholics, we like hanging there with friends, relaxing, having a good time. The problem is, that there is a lot of rubbish on the beach. So our aim is to raise awareness for keeping beaches clean through the method of nudging. Also to cause long term changes with children through nudging, a funny ‘clean after yourself’ way. Group of Julie de Vaan, Romane Berlingen Vivien Lobenwein and Clara Menais.

First of all, we decided to begin it at Edem beach, as this is where our idea came from. We are planning there to put the stickers on the tras bins and posters to any possible surface to raise awareness and teach children to keep beaches clean. Our stickers and posters are catching eyes because of the vivid colors and sweet animals on it. Also the font is quite childish, as they are our target audience. They realize our campaign #clEanDEM easily and showing their family, as we planned. So they want to make their kids happy and they’ll put their rubbish into the trash bins. We are also planning to make a social media campaign to attract more people. People can use the hashtag #clEanDEM to show their friends, they care about environment and they keep beaches clean. We reach more people through hashtags, as it can be used on Facebook and Instagram as well.

Design of our group

After 6 months, when people used to this stickers and trying to clean after themselves and we find sponsors to our next idea. We planned to use our second design, which are made for a bigger trash bin. They are designed for more fun, as people can throw their rubbish into a basket, like a real basket ball. We believe that it will attract more people to clean after themeselves in a funny way.

Of course our long term outlook is to teach everyone, especially children to keep beaches clean. With this funny project we can have this aim!

So let’s keep our beaches clean, clean after yourself!

#clEanDEM #keepbeachesclean #cleanafteryourself


1st post: Dare to challange- our project https://medium.com/…/dare-to-challenge-our-project-e48de1c7…

2nd: Process and progress of our project https://medium.com/…/process-and-progress-of-our-project-3e…

3rd: Nudging https://medium.com/dare-to-challenge/nudging-ea913fa54ae0…

4th: Redefining our project https://medium.com/…/redefining-our-project-game-changers-7…

5th: User ecperience map https://medium.com/dare-t…/user-experience-map-c68ce6ba4b8c…

6th: Game changers — Prototype https://medium.com/@vi…/game-changers-cleandem-63155c9206dc…

7th: Prototype development + feedback https://medium.com/…/prototype-development-and-feedback-loo…

8th: What’s next? https://medium.com/…/8-game-changers-whats-next-a94f1c06579…

9th: Expereinces https://medium.com/…/9-game-changers-experiences-learnings-…

10th: final post https://medium.com/…/game-changers-cleaning-innovation-608c…

