#6. Game changers — Prototype

Vivien Lobenwein
Dare to Challenge
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2016

Game Changers

Our group’s aim was to create some changes in the fields of environment, sustainable cities, communities, ecology trough connecting people. The idea was based on our first impressions of Athens, concretely of the most famous beach: Edem. We are all beachaholics, we like hanging there with friends, relaxing, having a good time. The problem is, that there is a lot of rubbish on the beach. So our aim is to raise awareness for keeping beaches clean through the method of nudging. Also to cause long term changes with children through nudging, a funny ‘clean after yourself’ way. Group of Julie de Vaan, Romane Berlingen Vivien Lobenwein and Clara Menais.

As this is our first project, first of all we’d like to raise awareness. We can not clean the whole beach alone, we need people, who’d like to cooperate with our team. Our idea is based on nudging, which has the same aims as our project, namely to raise awareness, to clean up after yourself — in a funny way and to change people’s habit to care of the environment. Children like this idea and they are in a really impulsive age, when they can learn it in a funny way and build it into their habits, and also to their families. According to our interviews, the beaches are rubbish, because most of the people don’t really care about making mess. They just leave their mess in the sand and don’t feel motivated to go to the next trash can. But litter bins with nudging design can catch the eyes, so they can call people to action. To keep our idea simple, and most important, achievable, we decided that we want to print stickers we can put on trashcans that grab the attention and make people (especially children) throw their trash in it. Based on scientific knowledge about using characters in enhancing the good habit of throwing trash in the trashcans, we asked a graphic designer to design the right characters.

According to S.M. de Droog, M. Buijzen and P.M. Valkenburg (2014), it’s important that the characters are liked, so they will trigger an affective response. Besides that, it doesn’t matter if the character is congruent with the thing you want to achieve. That leaves us with a lot of options for the characters.

Furthermore, we designed some posters with the characters on it, to increase the exposure to the characters and to increase the awareness. These posters also have some slogans on it. These slogans will be more effective, if they make the children actively involved. Therefor, they will be written as questions that the characters ask to the children keep beaches clean.

In conclusion, we want to design characters that become ambassadors for clean beaches by making people throw their trash in the trashcan. We want to achieve this by using social-marketing techniques that come from scientific literature.


de Droog, S.M., Buijzen, M., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2014). Enhancing children’s vegetable consumption using vegetable-promoting picture books. The impact of interactive shared reading and character–product congruence. Appetite, 73, 73–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2013.10.018


1st post: Dare to challange- our project https://medium.com/…/dare-to-challenge-our-project-e48de1c7…

2nd: Process and progress of our project https://medium.com/…/process-and-progress-of-our-project-3e…

3rd: Nudging https://medium.com/dare-to-challenge/nudging-ea913fa54ae0…

4th: Redefining our project https://medium.com/…/redefining-our-project-game-changers-7…

5th: User ecperience map https://medium.com/dare-t…/user-experience-map-c68ce6ba4b8c…

6th: Game changers — Prototype https://medium.com/@vi…/game-changers-cleandem-63155c9206dc…

7th: Prototype development + feedback https://medium.com/…/prototype-development-and-feedback-loo…

8th: What’s next? https://medium.com/…/8-game-changers-whats-next-a94f1c06579…

9th: Expereinces https://medium.com/…/9-game-changers-experiences-learnings-…

10th: final post https://medium.com/…/game-changers-cleaning-innovation-608c…

