#9. Game Changers Experiences/ Learnings

Vivien Lobenwein
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2017

Game Changers

Our group’s aim was to create some changes in the fields of environment, sustainable cities, communities, ecology trough connecting people. The idea was based on our first impressions of Athens, concretely of the most famous beach: Edem. We are all beachaholics, we like hanging there with friends, relaxing, having a good time. The problem is, that t there is a lot of rubbish on the beach. So our aim is to raise awareness for keeping beaches clean through the method of nudging. Also to cause long term changes with children through nudging, a funny ‘clean after yourself’ way. Group of Julie de Vaan, Romane Berlingen Vivien Lobenwein and Clara Menais.

We learned that it’s not that easy to create a long-term effect, that was our hardest part to think something out, which is not only a one-time event. It was also hard in the beginning that we wanted to make so much in time, which is of course not possible. Our first idea was to create a real online community platform, named AthenShare, in order to connect people and to help the collaboration in a positive and ecological way. We also wanted to create an event ‘Clean Beaches’ , but it is not relevant for long-termness.We realized that we can only manage our goals step by step.

So we decided to focus only on one thing. So we created Game Changers, and we realised that the idea of nudging perfecly fits to our idea. After that we needed to focus on interviews, people’s opinion and design our idea. It is also hard, that we want to raise awareness, I mean it is easy for one time, but we want to catch eyes not only one time, but more to create actions and new habits on the beach. We learned from interviews that people have demand on a new cleaner environment, so we just want to show them a way to reach it in the future.


1st post: Dare to challange- our project https://medium.com/…/dare-to-challenge-our-project-e48de1c7…

2nd: Process and progress of our project https://medium.com/…/process-and-progress-of-our-project-3e…

3rd: Nudging https://medium.com/dare-to-challenge/nudging-ea913fa54ae0…

4th: Redefining our project https://medium.com/…/redefining-our-project-game-changers-7…

5th: User ecperience map https://medium.com/dare-t…/user-experience-map-c68ce6ba4b8c…

6th: Game changers — Prototype https://medium.com/@vi…/game-changers-cleandem-63155c9206dc…

7th: Prototype development + feedback https://medium.com/…/prototype-development-and-feedback-loo…

8th: What’s next? https://medium.com/…/8-game-changers-whats-next-a94f1c06579…

9th: Expereinces https://medium.com/…/9-game-changers-experiences-learnings-…

10th: final post https://medium.com/…/game-changers-cleaning-innovation-608c…

