Knowing When to Stop Waiting: The Art of Moving Forward in the Most Aligned Ways, Divine Timing & More

4 min readOct 15, 2022


Photo by James Lee on Unsplash

After seasons of waiting for certain aspects of life to unfold, we must be mindful that we don’t get so use to waiting that we miss the opportunities to move forward in the most aligned ways even when there’s no obvious sign to move out of the waiting season.

In my book Ready, Set, Not Yet! It’s All About Divine Timing: A Motivational Preparation Journal for Taking Right Inspired Actions According to Divine Order, I talk about the necessity of waiting during certain seasons, not rushing into things even when there’s been some urgency to start moving forward. However, we still need to focus on making consistent steps to prepare so that we can align with divine timing for bringing things into fruition in a fuller way.

The Ready, Wait & Go season will be upon you before you can blink.

So, how do you know when it’s time to stop waiting?

There are times when we get confused about the areas for where we need to give pause, wait or be moving forward. Sometimes, there won’t be an obvious sign as I mentioned previously; however, there’s often a subtle knowing that a shift is emerging, and something is needing to change, or about to happen. Normally, this can go undetected if we are too busy in other areas, get distracted with over preparing or if we’ve sub come to the mindset that what we’ve been waiting on is still far off.

So, what happens when you start to move forward and run into contrast and/or discover that it’s still not time and you find yourself waiting again?

If you’ve started moving forward after feeling strongly that it’s time to come out of waiting and you start experiencing contrast with a bit of conflicting feedback, take a step back to re-examine if what you’re moving towards is still in alignment with what’s emerging. Meaning, just because you’ve been preparing for a certain thing and moving forward with that vision doesn’t mean that it’s the ultimate end goal. Maybe you had to go through a certain process to get prepared for something else. It could be that things aren’t flowing a certain way because you need to become aware of the shift(s) that are occurring so that you can accurately align with the new expansion and then sync up with divine timing.

We often find ourselves waiting longer than we need to when we run into resistance around things unfolding differently than we pictured. So regardless of if we run into contrast, we must keep moving forward in the most aligned ways to continuously create momentum towards our achievement. In my publication Keep Moving Forward, Just Do It!: A Motivational Journal Planner For Overcoming Obstacles To Achieve Your Ultimate Success, I encourage others to see obstacles as opportunities and leverage the contrast to support their next levels of growth and goal expansion.

I’ve run into contrast a few times when I knew that it was time to move forward in a stronger way. Often the contrast or disruption provided me with the shifts that I needed to come into a higher alignment for what was most relevant in the present that would be even more beneficial moving forward. I learned how to see my vision/mission in a much more expanded way which caused me to shift my preparation and planning efforts in ways that supported the greater emergence.

So, are you ready to move forward?

Do you feel that it’s go time?

What can no longer wait?

Asking these questions are vital to discovering your present moment alignment and how to know when you’re moving forward in divine timing.

It’s always time to be moving forward in some way. Knowing when and how to do so in the most divinely aligned ways will always be the core area to give attention to.

Photo by Anna Vi on Unsplash

I hope this article provided some food for thought to help you better clarify where you are on your journey for knowing when to come out of the waiting season.

Here are a few of my articles that can help you play from both sides of the track as it relates to knowing when/how to…

  • Give pause without standing still
  • Being more than ready to move forward
  • Having courage to shift into the new
  • Allowing yourself to arrive at your destination
  • And more…


The Profitable Priority PAUSE: Take Time to Focus on What’s Most Important for this Life Phase

The Slow Speed Success Factor: How Slowing Down Actually Speeds Things Up

You Are Ready NOW! Crossing Over to Your Unfamiliar Ultimate Success Sooner than You Expected

Having Courage to Explore the Other Side of the Track

Pop the Cork Now: It’s Time to Celebrate Even Before You’ve Officially Arrived at Your Dream Destination

Allow Yourself to Arrive at Your Desired Destination So that the Next Level of the Journey Can Begin

Photo by Denis Vdovin on Unsplash

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