You Are Ready NOW! Crossing Over to Your Unfamiliar Ultimate Success Sooner than You Expected

5 min readSep 16, 2022


Photo by Christian Bass on Unsplash

Sometimes our ultimate success calls us forth at an unexpected time to either birth or launch somethings earlier than expected. I’ve certainly experienced this in several areas of my life and business.

In my publication When the Water Breaks It’s Time to Birth Your Business, which is a resource of my platform Business Lamaze, I share about what happens when the Business Birthing Stork comes early and how you have to be ready to move forward no matter whether you feel prepared or not.

I was glad to have spent several years in preparation even for the unfamiliar so that when these unexpected crossover moments occur, I could confidently move forward.

Preparation is vital and more often we are more ready than we think we are to move forward into the greater unknowns. Our preparation isn’t always a linear process, and the journey has cross prepared us in ways far beyond our understanding that will allow us to transfer skills into areas that we feel are unfamiliar.

Our ultimate success in the unfamiliar is just like the analogy of everything we most desire is on the other side of our comfort zones. Once we examine our preparation journey, we will discover that we are more than ready to launch into the new.

Our preparation meets our opportunity; however, what we thought would be the final outcome is often just a launching pad into something far greater. This is why we have to move forward to crossover even with what we feel isn’t as ready as we believe. What we are birthing or launching will turn out to be much more expansive than what we thought we saw in our what would metaphorically be our entrepreneurial/business ultrasound.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had this to happen over the years. In fact, I’m experiencing this once again in the present which inspired me to write this article to empower others.

Your ultimate success for this phase is already at hand. Again, your journey of preparation will now sync up with the manifestations that will be more than you could have ever imagined possible. This is why as this is unfolding most of you won’t feel that you’re ready but trust me you are.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

If you feel that you’re not ready, just know that what you’ve been prepared for is something BIGGER than you and it will take trusting more in the Creator that gave you the mission/vision. You don’t have to rely on yourself and your readiness, your confidence to carry this out will flow from the Higher Power.

I’ve included below a video and lyrics to the first verse and chorus to a song that I’ve found over the years has been inspirational for moving forward knowing and trusting that I’m supported by SOURCE/GOD.

I encourage you to listen to it, be present to take it all in and allow the words to inspire you and give you more confidence to move forward with greater trust as you crossover to the unfamiliar ultimate success that awaits you.


Kathi Wilson, with Daughters Hannah and Hadassah-Crossing Over

I’m willing to leave the familiar
I’m willing to leave what I know
If You go with me
I’m willing to go where You lead me
I’m willing to do what You say
If You stay with me

Crossing over
Crossing over
Leaving all I know behind
Crossing over and not knowing what I’ll find…

So, as you’re crossing over don’t forget the lyrics to this song. Reflect and revisit listening to this several times as your newer phase of life and success are emerging.

Remember, you are more ready than you think so go ahead and CROSSOVER!!!!!!

The Other Side of the Bridge…

Photo by Christine von Raesfeld on Unsplash

Celebrate where you are right now and start to plan for the celebration of your crossover. I can’t tell you what’s on the other side, I just know that you’re more than ready to be CROSSED OVER and it will be so much better than you can ever imagine.

Yes, a new level of dedication, determination, discipline, development and demonstration will be required; however, you’re more than ready to serve at the highest levels.

If you feel that you need more clarity, confidence, courageousness and commitment for crossing over into the unknown/unfamiliar success zone, here are several articles of mine that can help to strengthen your resolve for all of the above areas mentioned.


Having Courage to Explore the Other Side of the Track

Allow Yourself to Arrive at Your Desired Destination So that the Next Level of the Journey Can Begin

Pop the Cork Now: It’s Time to Celebrate Even Before You’ve Officially Arrived at Your Dream Destination

Where Does Your Yellow Brick Road Lead?

The Yellow Brick Road that Leads You to the New Tracks of Life

Do You Take Your Path to Purpose Seriously?

Go Where Your Passion Leads: Discover Your Next Passion Path of Purpose & Profits

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Did this/these article(s) inspire you?

Do you feel more ready/prepared to crossover to achieve your unfamiliar ultimate success?

I would love to hear how this writing impacted and/or served you.

I’m wishing you all the best in your CROSSOVER GREATNESS!!!!!!!!

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