Salesforce Spring ’23 Release Notes — The Funny Summary — Volume X

Zakaria SEMRI
3 min readJan 10, 2023


This article is one of many other volumes for the Spring ’23 Release Notes — The Funny-ish Summary. If you want to jump to a specific Topic please use the links at the bottom of this page.

Salesforce CMS

  • C̶a̶s̶h̶ Cache Control! You can now set the cache duration (the minimum is 1hour, the maximum is 1year) for CMS Content Served in Salesforce CDN Channels.
  • Meet the new Content Author Role ✍️. People with this role can create, edit, and view content (but not publish!) in CMS and enhanced CMS workspaces.
  • Automation 🤖 is the new Salesforce CMS best friend: CMS Workflows. Use them for approvals, translations requests and more! BETA
  • When it comes to your content 📄, you can now track its history and restore an older version if needed.
  • The Search 🔍 got some improvements! It’s done on the whole workspace now, not only the folder where you’re at. And it covers all content item’s text fields, not just the title as before.
  • Is the “Hola” version ready? If so, send it! When you have multiple translated versions, you can choose to publish specific ones.
  • Is this version’s cousin ready? If so, publish it too! If you want to publish a content that’s related to another one that’s not published, you can do it for both at the same time now.


Salesforce Mobile App

  • Landscape Mode is now supported. BETA
  • Enhanced Reports, aka your Mobile-friendly, responsive, and beautiful UI 🥺 is GA.
  • The Flow Orchestration Work Guide component now supports Mobile.
  • By Winter ’24, you can no longer configure mobile security policies through Connected App custom attributes. You should switch to using the Mobile Security Setup UI.
  • Meet Enhanced Contacts. Get more done and interact with your Contacts with less taps (Scan business cards, import contacts…). BETA
  • For all the features listed under this section👆, you can enable/disable them via a new Setup area under Salesforce Mobile App.

Mobile Publisher

  • Mobile Publisher 🤝 LWR. BETA
  • The Notifications component has finally made it to Mobile Publisher Apps with LWR. BETA
  • Talking about who else also made it to Mobile Publisher Apps with LWR… The Navigation Tab is in da place as well 😎. BETA
  • Your custom LWC’s string properties can now vary for each device. Previously, this was possible only for integer properties. B.. BE.. BETA 😅
  • What about APIs? Did they get some love in this release?.. YES! You can use the AppReviewService API to prompt your users to share a review and rate your App in the App Store or Play Store.
  • The UTAM, UI Test Automation Model 🤓, now supports Mobile Publisher Apps.


  • DING DING 🔔 While previously, you could create a desktop or mobile notification type or a dedicated Slack notification type. With this release, you can create a single custom notification type for the three channels.

Briefcase Builder

  • Ready to do some math? Here we go. In each briefcase, you can now: Add up to 2️⃣ 0️⃣ total object rules, up to 1️⃣ 0️⃣ top-level object rules, and up to 6️⃣ levels of object rule hierarchy. In simple words: double what you could do before 🤓.

