Top Stories published by Teaching Academia in 2016

How To Make Your Job Talk Not Suck

Recently, I read this great post over at The Professor is In called, “Why Your Job Talk Sucks.” Reading it made me think that this would be a great time to talk about how to prepare doctoral students for the job talks they will be giving in the spring. The post I…

Rethinking Credit Hours

I recently read a piece in the Chronicle on high-impact learning. Before you ask me what high-impact learning is I have to tell you — I’m not sure. At least, I’m not sure how it’s being defined in the piece cited here because I cannot locate an explicit definition. However, I found a…

Reviewing the Class Blog

This semester, I had teachers in my masters class blog together on a single site as opposed to having their own individual spaces. Previously I had always asked the teachers to maintain their own blog. This wasn’t complicated. The issue was that it takes time to build an audience…

Creating Digital Identities: Who Do You Want To Be?

Last week, I started off the discussion about creating digital identities for doctoral students. There’s no one right way to get started with this. I don’t have a set of steps for you to engage in (either by yourself or with your students)…

Teaching Students About Rejection

I recently read a great piece in the Chronicle about how to survive rejection as an author. It starts with this statement (which I am sure we are all familiar with):

“To write is to be rejected.”

2016 Year in Review

Every December I like to revisit what I have been yammering on about for the last 11 months or so. While I do have a Best Of list, I also think it’s nice to identify one post from each month that I think is worth reading (or rereading). Here are the posts from 2016 that I think are worth…

Should My Class Look More Like a Starbucks?

Recently, I was reading up on how bad it is to sit all day. I’m sure you’re aware of this. I’m sure you’re also aware of the fact that for awhile now elementary schools have been doing away with — or severely restricting — recess. I was floored when I…

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