Facebook and the Future of Advertising

Doc Searls was right fifteen years ago. Markets are now conversations. Publishers and advertisers can no longer collude without the omnipresence on the scene of the customer. The customer is now in control, although publishers and advertisers still don’t want to…

Mobile Acceptable Ads Part 2

Two weeks ago we began discussing the Coalition for Acceptable Ads’ new standards. Although there’s nothing surprising to us in them, because we always put ourselves in the shoes of the consumer before we begin designing a format, and we always test with partners before rolling…

Could Blockchain Technology End Ad Fraud?

by Roy de Souza

More often than not disruptive changes in an industry come from outside, rather than from within an industry. People inside the industry tend to tinker at the margins, not trying to alienate any of the existing…

Video Streaming’s Popularity Alters Ad Plans

The Q2 eMarketer survey tells us that

US digital video ad spending is on a faster growth track than previously estimated. It will grow at annual double-digit rates into the next decade, reaching $22.18 billion in 2021. At the…
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