Top Stories published by Ada Chen Rekhi in 2006

How Often Do You Use These Google Products?

Well, Philipp Lenssen has a survey to find out.

I was really surprised that a) there are so many google products out there, b) I have heard of maybe 2/3rds of them, and c) I’m not alone in not using most of the ones I do know about.

Ada Chen

The End of Cheap Russian Music may be reaching the end of its days with a new Russian law in place. Uh oh!

I’ve become more and more reluctant to adopt products and services from smaller companies because in all likelihood they will have dramatic changes or not be…

Live Search is Live!

In case you haven’t heard, Live Search is now officially live and getting attention. Jeremy Zawodny did a test-drive and Businessweek had a favorable review on the Live Search experience.

Ada Chen

Ada Chen Rekhi
Reflections on startups and building a meaningful life
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