Top Stories published by Ada Chen Rekhi in 2007

Developing Presence and Power

I attended an interesting training today put on by the company Skills To Success. The training was titled “Personal Power & Presence” and featured hands-on coaching on minor behavior adjustments each of us can do for more effective interactions.

In Memoriam

01 31 07 GrantDog 021

Originally uploaded by adavark.

Our family dog Grant passed away this weekend. He went peacefully in his sleep. He was a big fifty pound dog and lived to be 14 (like 80 in dog years), but it still hasn’t sunk in that the puppy from…

Roadtrip on Hwy 101

2 — Sonoma Coast (13)

Originally uploaded by adavark. I’m driving up the California, Oregon and (part of) the Washington coast! Impressively, I am logging on fairly often to post photos.

Check them out on my Flickr.

Ada Chen Rekhi
Reflections on startups and building a meaningful life
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