February 2019 adbank Update

adbank blog


At the end of 2018 we laid out the priorities for 2019, as well as an update on all that has been accomplished in 2018. You can read all of those updates here. Now that you’re all caught up, let’s take a look at what’s the team’s been up to this month!

In this monthly update we are going to cover…

  1. Monthly outlook and reflection from the CEO
  2. Update on key areas of the business:
  • Tech
  • Team
  • Runway
  • Marketing / Sales

3. Our 2019 Goals Progress — OkR progress

Jon (CEO) Outlook:

The resiliency of the core team has been on full display in 2019: despite the market being a constant source of negative news, and as other projects/teams fizzle, the core adbank team has come together around the BLADE vision and are pushing harder than ever!

The tech is ahead of schedule, the marketing strategy and output are first class and advertising campaigns are ready to go - we are ready for the launch of BLADE!

Things we have learned this month…

  • The general public are excited about BLADE. Whether they understand blockchain/digital advertising or not, people quickly “get” BLADE and are excited to finally be rewarded for the ads they see!
  • The allure of blockchain as being enough to secure pilots has shifted
  • Our communication around the content of AMA’s (deep dive vs sharing fun news) will improve: managing expectations will benefit everyone!
  • There are some members in our team and community with a hidden talent for meme & gif creation 😎

Key Areas of Business Activity Quick Update:


  • The development is ahead of schedule and we are now deep into testing, specifically working on understanding our load limits and our most efficient options to scale
  • We can confirm that everything we had planned to have BLADE be capable of doing: it is OFFICIALLY capable of!
  • The usability/design work by Tyler and architecture set out by Fodé along with the management and execution from Conor with the team from Axon is — once again — on schedule for delivering!
  • You can see one of the repositories related to blade the team is working on here: BLADE Extension


Financial / Runway

As discussed in recent AMA’s and in the last update, we are executing the plan that was set up in November 2018 and we have been operating within 10% of this plan since it was set! (We know Jon is amazing at budgeting!)The runway model continues to show runway into 2021. In addition to this, there are several assumptions in there that we hope to exceed and fuel aggressive development.

And, as mentioned before… we are Canadian and know how to survive the winter!

Let’s do this!

Sales & Marketing

Progress Against Core Objectives Update:

Objective — BLADE adoption

adbank ad block extension that allows only adbank powered ads through, while rewarding you for viewing those ads!

Key Result — #1 ad block/reward extension used by the crypto community. Attracting many users and a dominant presence within the crypto community especially!

February Update — Great month, the marketing plan is locked in and being executed with confidence since the tech is near ready. The feedback from influencers we have approached has been great and the targets in terms of how/when/by whom we are going to get the word out is on track.

Objective — Pilots, Pilots, Pilots

Our pipeline has never been more full and we are bringing on additional team members to help handle!

Key Result — Consistent monthly pilots similar to the Austria & Red Bull pilot, growing to several per month

February Update — This is the more disappointing update from February. As the market shifted the sentiment towards crypto and unjustly blockchain technology also shifted. Even at the end of last year the interest in blockchain was more than enough to get people excited about running a pilot on the adbank platform. That has now shifted and advertisers become more excited when they hear about BLADE.

Objective — Utility driven by operating AdNetworks

Signed agreement to bring some of the largest crypto publishers inventory available on IntergalacticAds.com.

Key Result — IntergalacticAds.com and other vertical ad networks #1 or #2 by market share in their verticals.

February Update — ECig media has had a strong month beating last months numbers and helping to also line up potential advertisers for BLADE. IntergalacticAds continues to be a reflection of the broader ICO market.

Announcement Roundup:

Don’t forget to read the 2018 post here. It includes pertinent info on the token ecosystem and the 2019 roadmap. Read the January update here. Read about the BLADE browser extension here: End Users Earn ADB with BLADE. BLADE Tech Update. BLADE Update. BLADE Announcement. You can find out about our patent submission here. The most recent tech update is here. See who we’ve formed strategic partnerships with and who we’ve run pilot programs with here.

To get info as soon as its released, join the Telegram channel here!

