sudo apt-get install python-software-propertiessudo add-apt-repository ppa:pitti/postgresqlsudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install postgresql-9.2
Hi everybody, this was my surprise project , my first startup, my first ruby on rails project :)
you can check the about page but it is simply a gamification platform for lots of social sites and more, it now supports foursquare, gowalla…
[caption id=”” align=”alignright” width=”240" caption=”Image by alancleaver_2000 via Flickr”]
it has been a long time since I posted :( so it would be really good to put some targets and build a list of them. otherwise I will be lying on my coach…
Append Method handlerAnother dynamic query builder. But this one , use simple StringBuilder instead of trying to parse the argument. So more fast and adjustable dynamic query builder
yagdao (Yet Another Generic DAO) finally.
this version is a little bit experimental but stable.
yagdao is an generic dao framework that would be enabled by annotations.
for hibernate
public String getIdProperty(Class entityClass) {String idProperty=sessionAccessor.getSessionFactory() .getClassMetadata(entityClass)…
JPA Criteria API by samples — Part-I
some more examples with JPA criteria APISimple Join query
long category=200L;Query query = entityManager.createQuery(“select s from OrderItem s…
Although examples are pretty much simple it will help you with finalized version of JPA 2.0 API.
For Part II please read JPA Criteria API by samples — Part-II
Although this is an important, it is a hidden bug unless you trace you generated SQL for hibernate.
simply the two lines of code below should generate same SQL
Criteria rootCriteria =…
Here you can see how to traverse the runtime information to get this information. You Can simply traverse the inheritance tree ofr the class and get the metadata of the generic definition. Somthing like