Top Stories published by Anton Sten in 2016

Apple is User Hostile… Or is it?

It’s no secret that I love following the tech news. I love reading Walt Mossberg, Jon Gruber, Dieter Bohn, Jason Snell, and Marco Arment to name a few. They offer excellent journalism and well-researched pieces about the technology and devices that not only shape our…

Email Marketing: High Returns, Low Investment

I recently tried out, a service that taps into your email account and lists what newsletters you are subscribed to. It provides you with a single, user-friendly interface to unsubscribe from unwanted emails.

These were the top 10 stories published by Anton Sten in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Anton Sten
I believe that understanding grows from exercising your knowledge. I don’t just write to inspire others, but to stay on the leading edge of this industry. The best part? You get to learn from with me on my UX journey!
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