Part 4 — Non Local Interactions in AGI through Weighted Choquard Equation

Freedom Preetham
Autonomous Agents
Published in
10 min readAug 7, 2024

In the quest to build Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) models, one of the most pressing challenges is to endow machines with the capacity for long-term memory and the ability to accumulate experiences. These capabilities are fundamental to human cognitive reasoning, where past experiences (or formal learning) inform decision-making and problem-solving in novel contexts. Traditional approaches in AI often fall short of this goal, as they tend to focus on pattern recognition and optimization rather than on developing a rich, experience-based cognitive framework.

There are reinforcement learning models which can subvert some aspects of experiential learning through goal-seeking behavior, but they suffer from challenges such as sparse rewards, high sample inefficiency, and difficulty in generalizing across diverse environments, which limit their ability to effectively mimic the depth and adaptability of human-like experiential learning. (more on this in later articles)

In the pursuit for non-locality, I mostly work on fractional laplacians which allows us to capture global influences in an elegant form.

Non-local influence for AGI series

Part 1 — Fractional Elliptic Problems and Artificial General Intelligence

Part 2 — Fractional Laplacian and Cognitive Modeling

Part 3 — Randomized Algo and Spectral Decomposition for High-Dimensional Fractional Laplacians

Part 4 — Non Local Interactions in AGI through Weighted Choquard Equation

Part 5 — Integrating the Weighted Choquard with Fourier Neural Operators

I am diverging slightly from fractional Laplacians to explore a very interesting mathematical model, the weighted Choquard Equation, which provides an opportunity to develop a theoretical framework for capturing global influences in a function space. In this part, I want to delve into a sophisticated mathematical model that can serve as the foundation for integrating long-term memory and accumulated experiences into an AI model.

Fractional Laplacians

To rehash, the fractional Laplacian, denoted as (−Δ)^s for 0 < s < 1, is a nonlocal operator that generalizes the concept of the classical Laplacian. Instead of involving only local interactions, the fractional Laplacian considers contributions from the entire domain, leading to an operator that captures long-range dependencies. The fractional Laplacian is defined by the expression:

where P.V. denotes the Cauchy principal value, Cn,s​ is a normalization constant depending on the dimension n and the order s of the fractional Laplacian.

This operator is often used to model processes with anomalous diffusion or Lévy flights, where the standard diffusion modeled by the classical Laplacian is insufficient to capture the dynamics of the system.

The Weighted Choquard Equation

At the core of this blog’s exploration is the weighted Choquard equation (a specific class of it), a powerful tool traditionally used in modeling complex physical and biological systems (more on biology later).

If you are new to Choquard equation, the a guide can be found here:

The particular class of weighted Choquard that I am interested on the other hand involves a convolution-type nonlocal term combined with a classical Laplacian operator.

This equation provides a robust framework for capturing nonlocal interactions and complex growth behaviors, which can be leveraged to model long-term memory and experience accumulation in AGI.

I am interested in this particular class of equations because they have applications in contexts where nonlocal interactions and critical growth phenomena are significant.

The weighted Choquard equation is expressed as:


  • Ω represents the domain of experiences, encompassing all the data and interactions the AI model encounters over time.
  • Δ is the Laplacian operator, which can be interpreted as a mechanism for diffusing information or experiences across the memory space.
  • λ>0 is a parameter that influences the balance between current inputs and accumulated experiences.
  • The integral term models the nonlocal interaction of experiences, where ∣x−y∣^μ controls the influence decay of past experiences based on their temporal or contextual distance.
  • Q(∣x∣) is a weight function that can be tuned to prioritize certain experiences over others, reflecting the AI’s ability to assign significance to different memories.

Here is a research paper on “Nonlocal problem with critical exponential nonlinearity of convolution type: A non-resonant case” whose premise involves studying this specific class of weighted Choquard equations. The authors focus on proving the existence of nontrivial solutions for these equations in a bounded domain with smooth boundaries. The nonlinearity in question exhibits critical exponential growth as defined by the Trudinger-Moser inequality. A key aspect of their investigation is addressing cases where the parameter λ does not coincide with any eigenvalues of the associated Laplacian operator, thereby avoiding resonant scenarios.

Relationship Between Weighted Choquard Equation and Fractional Laplacians

Here is why I am interested in weighted Choquard along with studying fractional Laplacians (two separate modeling approaches).

Nonlocal Nature: Both the fractional Laplacian and the Choquard equation involve nonlocal operators that account for interactions beyond immediate neighbors. This is a key aspect of their relationship; they both extend traditional local differential operators (like the Laplacian) to include effects from distant points in the domain.

Singularity and Long-Range Interactions: The kernel 1/∣x−y∣^(n+2s)​ in the fractional Laplacian and the kernel 1/∣x−y∣^μ​ in the Choquard equation both involve singularities that account for long-range interactions. In the fractional Laplacian, the parameter s controls the degree of these interactions, whereas in the Choquard equation, μ plays a similar role.

Fractional Laplacian as a Special Case: In some contexts, the Choquard equation can be viewed as a generalized form of an equation involving a fractional Laplacian. For instance, if the nonlocal interaction term in the Choquard equation is tailored in a specific way (e.g., if Q(x) and f(u) are appropriately chosen), the Choquard equation can reduce to a form that resembles an equation with a fractional Laplacian.

Mathematical Techniques: Techniques used to study the existence and properties of solutions in fractional Laplacian equations often overlap with those used in the study of Choquard equations, particularly when dealing with nonlocal terms. This includes the use of variational methods, Sobolev spaces adapted for fractional operators, and regularity theory.

Capturing Long-Term Memory Through Nonlocal Interactions

Ok, let’s deep dive into the model. In human cognition, long-term memory is not just a static repository of past events but a dynamic model where past experiences continually influence current thoughts and decisions. This nonlocality in memory, where distant (in time or relevance) experiences can still impact present reasoning, is crucial for AI models.

The integral term in the Choquard equation:

is particularly suited for modeling this aspect of long-term memory. Here, ∣x−y∣^μ represents the diminishing influence of older or less relevant experiences, while Q(∣y∣) reflects the varying significance assigned to different memories. For instance, critical experiences, such as key learning events, can have a higher weight, ensuring that they continue to influence the AGI’s decision-making process even as new data is accumulated.

This nonlocal interaction allows the AI models to maintain a coherent and integrated memory system where past experiences can be recalled and applied to novel situations, much like how human memory works.

Modeling Accumulated Experiences and Cognitive Growth

A key challenge in developing AGI is ensuring that the system can grow and evolve cognitively over time, integrating new experiences without losing valuable insights from the past. The piecewise function f(u), which exhibits critical exponential growth, is designed to model this process:

In the AGI context, u(x) represents the state of the system’s memory or knowledge at a particular point in time. The critical growth condition of f(u) models the non-linear accumulation of experiences, where certain pivotal experiences can lead to significant cognitive growth or shifts in understanding. This is analogous to the “aha” moments in human learning, where a new insight leads to a profound change in how we understand a concept or approach a problem.

This framework ensures that the AI does not simply accumulate data but instead undergoes cognitive development, where past experiences inform and shape future reasoning in a dynamic and evolving process.

Incorporating Cognitive Reasoning and Memory Prioritization

In human cognition, not all memories are treated equally. We prioritize certain experiences based on their perceived importance, relevance to current tasks, or emotional significance. The weight function Q(∣x∣) in the Choquard equation can be interpreted as a mechanism for this kind of memory prioritization in AGI.

For AGI, Q(∣x∣) can be dynamically adjusted based on the system’s goals, current context, or feedback from its environment. For instance, if the AGI is engaged in solving a complex problem, it might prioritize recalling relevant past experiences that provided similar problem-solving strategies. Conversely, less relevant or outdated experiences can be assigned lower weights, reducing their influence on current cognitive processes.

This dynamic weighting mechanism allows the AGI to efficiently manage its memory resources, ensuring that the most relevant experiences are readily accessible while minimizing cognitive overload from less important data.

Stability and Coherence in Memory Integration

The weighted Choquard equation is not just a theoretical tool; it provides a concrete framework for ensuring the stability and coherence of memory integration in AGI models. Solutions to this equation represent stable configurations of the system’s memory and knowledge base, where past experiences are coherently integrated into the current cognitive state.

The energy functional associated with the Choquard equation:

The above function can be interpreted as a cognitive landscape, where stable memory states correspond to minima in this landscape. The AGI’s task is to navigate this landscape, integrating new experiences without destabilizing its existing memory structure.

This model also allows for the exploration of how AGI systems can transition between different cognitive states, analogous to human learning phases or shifts in perspective. By analyzing the spectrum of the Laplacian operator −Δu=λu, we can probably gain insights into the robustness of these memory states and how easily the system might be perturbed by new experiences.

Weighted Sobolev Embedding and Its Role in Memory Management

The mathematical rigor of this model is further enhanced by embedding it in a framework that accounts for the non-linear and complex nature of cognitive reasoning. The weighted Sobolev embedding theorem:

ensures that the system’s memory states remain bounded and well-defined, reflecting the biological constraints observed in human cognition. This is particularly important when considering the AGI’s ability to manage and prioritize vast amounts of information without overwhelming its cognitive processes.

Moreover, the extension of the Trudinger-Moser inequality (arising as a limiting Sobolev inequality) to weighted spaces provides a solid mathematical foundation for handling the exponential growth in memory and experiences. This inequality guarantees that the energy functional remains bounded, even as the AGI accumulates a growing body of experiences, ensuring long-term stability and coherence in its cognitive reasoning.

Integration with Real-World Data and Feedback

To fully realize the potential of the weighted Choquard equation in AI models, it is essential to integrate real-world data and feedback mechanisms. The weight function Q(∣x∣) can be adjusted based on the system’s interactions with its environment, learning from successes and failures to better prioritize relevant experiences.

For example, in a learning environment, the AGI might assign higher weights to experiences that led to successful outcomes, while reducing the influence of less effective strategies. This dynamic adjustment mirrors human learning, where feedback plays a critical role in shaping future behavior and decision-making.

By integrating such real-world data, the weighted Choquard model can be continuously refined, allowing the AGI to adapt to new environments and challenges, much like how humans learn and evolve over time.

Advantages of a Choquard-Based AI Model

Improved Generalization: By incorporating mechanisms for memory and nonlocal interactions, Choquard-based AI models can generalize better across different tasks and domains. This is particularly important for AGI, where the ability to apply knowledge from one domain to another is crucial.

Robustness to Noisy Data: The integration of past experiences into the decision-making process allows the model to be more resilient to noise and anomalies in the data, as it can draw on a broader context to make informed decisions.

Scalability: Choquard-based models can be designed to scale across different levels of complexity, from small-scale applications to large, distributed AI systems. The flexibility in adjusting the weight function Q(∣x∣) allows for scalable solutions that can be tailored to specific use cases.


While the weighted Choquard equation offers exciting possibilities for the future of AI, several challenges need to be addressed to fully realize its potential:

Computational Complexity: This is always the mainstay problme for any non-local intergations into the model. The nonlocal interactions and integral terms in the Choquard equation is no different. It introduces computational challenges, particularly for large-scale models. Developing efficient algorithms and architectures that can handle these complexities will be critical.

Integration with Existing Frameworks: Combining Choquard-based models with existing SciML tools like FNOs, diffusion models, and also LLMs requires careful design to ensure compatibility and performance. This may involve developing new hybrid architectures that can seamlessly integrate different modeling approaches.

Interpreting Nonlocal Interactions: Understanding and interpreting the nonlocal interactions within Choquard-based models will be important for ensuring transparency and trust in AI systems. Developing visualization tools and analytical methods to explore these interactions will be an area of ongoing research.

A New Paradigm for Cognitive Reasoning in AGI

The weighted Choquard equation offers a powerful and flexible framework for modeling the complex, nonlinear dynamics of memory and cognitive reasoning in AGI systems. By capturing nonlocal interactions, prioritizing experiences, and integrating real-world feedback, this model provides a foundation for developing AGI systems that can accumulate and leverage experiences in a manner akin to human cognition.

As we continue to refine and expand this framework, we can expect to see significant advancements in AGI, moving closer to the goal of creating machines that not only learn but also reason, adapt, and grow based on their accumulated experiences. This approach represents a paradigm shift in how we think about memory and cognition in AI, opening new pathways for the development of truly intelligent systems.

