Archive of stories published by Brain Dump

On competing visions

Since its very early days, Forrst has had a set of community guidelines available for all to see. I originally wrote these guidelines sometime in early 2010, when the Forrst community was just starting to become well-defined. My intention in doing so was to codify the types of behaviors I…

A Twitter follow “hack” I’m using in my latest product

I’m currently working on a product called Sets. In short, Sets helps you build curated lists of related links, either by yourself, or with collaborators. Naturally, there’s a Sets Twitter account (@MakeSets), and naturally, I’d like to…

Be your own best user

Back in the early days of Forrst, when there were just a few hundred people signed up, and perhaps only a few dozen using it on any given day, I was naturally the most prolific user — by far creating (and interacting with) the most content. It was easy to keep that kind of pace up, because…

Brain Dump
Random thoughts.
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