Top Stories published by Building The Agile Business in 2017

What is Digital Culture?

We should know by now the importance of organisational culture in supporting digital transformation and change (it’s the people, stupid!) but what exactly do we mean by digital culture? This new McKinsey research drawing on a global survey of senior executives amply demonstrates how…

Structuring for Change: The Dual Operating System

In our book, we discuss some key approaches towards structuring for digital transformation and organisational change, and one notably useful model comes from Kotter’s Accelerate, in which he describes a structural model designed to enable the…

These were the top 10 stories published by Building The Agile Business in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Building The Agile Business
Thoughts on organisational agility and digital transformation in support of the books ‘Building the Agile Business’ and ‘Agile Transformation’ (both Kogan Page)
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