Centrality Monthly Update — May

Aaron McDonald
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2019

CEO Aaron McDonald shares key developments over the past month. To stay up-to-date on the progress of Centrality’s ecosystem, follow us on Twitter and our Telegram Announcements channel, plus join our community on Centrality’s Official Telegram, Instagram, Reddit and Facebook.

With the release of Centrality’s Developer Portal, May has been the biggest month for Centrality since our TGE in January 2018.

The team has been working their socks off to meet the deadlines we set out for launch. We’re firm believers in releasing early and often, so we’re moving hard and fast to take feedback from our community and continuously improve our platform. The release of Centrality’s Developer Portal, hot on the heels of PL^G’s Developer Portal, means we’ve progressed to the Habanero stage of our launch, becoming one step closer to the full decentralisation of our mainnet. So, check out our Developer Portal — we’d be keen to know what you think.

It’s worth mentioning that the interest in our ecosystem has been picking up on the global and local stage. Recently I’ve come back from meeting stakeholders in Berlin, London, Berlin, Barcelona, Dubai and South Korea. Meanwhile back at home, we hosted Minister for Transport Phil Twyford and discussed the future of mobility through projects in our ecosystem like Iomob and Sylo. The continual appetite for blockchain solutions from large enterprises, household brands and government representatives is really encouraging.

Here’s the latest on our ecosystem:


We’re proud to have sponsored this year’s TechWeek, New Zealand’s festival of innovation. After putting on TechWeek events last year to a full house, we wanted to step up our game in fostering the industry. For this year’s festival, we hosted two events at the Centrality offices and our leadership team were invited to speak at six more events, bringing our involvement to eight events in total over the course of the week. I also had a chance to chat with Sian Simpson on TechWeek TV on the opportunities blockchain can lend for New Zealand. Now that we’ve released technology into the market, it was time to encourage and upskill developers to come build on our platform. With that, we hosted our first ever Developer Learning Weekend. It was a chance to give developers hands-on experience like deploying smart contracts. With the first event of this kind successfully piloted in Auckland, who knows which city will be next!


Team Sylo has had a busy month attending events and progressing with tweaks to their Beta. Recent updates to the app include an improved import wallet feature, better visibility on the status of in-app transactions and the continued development of Sylo browser version. Sylo has been well represented at home and abroad this month, with team members sharing knowledge at public events during both New York Blockchain Week and NZ Tech Week.


Iomob is a winner in the global innovation competition Sustainable Mobility Challenge. The competition is organised by the Swedish Energy Agency, and one of several initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions to bring about fossil-free transport by 2045. After three months in Amsterdam, CEO Boyd Cohen presented Iomob’s vision for an Internet of Mobility at the Arcadis City of 2030 Accelerator, Powered by Techstars Demo Day. Ten global startups presented their innovative plans for the city of the future. Simone van Neevan, Head of Innovation at Vueling, introduced the presentation, announcing our upcoming pilot in partnership with Vueling Airlines.


Exciting things are happening at Aider, with it recently forming a strategic partnership with Westpac. This will see Westpac’s small-to-medium (SME) sized business customers getting support through Aider’s digital assistance tool. There is also a customer service benefit for Westpac’s 85,000 SME business customers who can use Aider’s “Contact Me” function to easily contact the right person at the bank. This was Aider’s first use case for future and there are more already in the pipeline.

June is looking like another big month for us so be sure to keep an eye on our channels.

To stay up-to-date on the progress of Centrality’s ecosystem, follow us on Twitter and our Telegram Announcements channel, plus join our community on Centrality’s Official Telegram, Instagram, Reddit and Facebook.



Aaron McDonald

Co-founder and CEO of blockchain venture studio Centrality