10 Books Everyone Should Read At Least Once 📚


I’ve read easily over 300 books in the last 6+yrs, many multiple times, and here are 10 of my favorites that I think everyone should read/listen to at least once in their lives 📚

Top 10 Books

1. The Alchemist Paulo Coelho (Teaches you to listen to the omens(spirit) and helps you see the signs that are always in this extremely great story)

2. Think & Grow RichNapoleon Hill(Written over multiple decades, my favorite human here teaches the secret to success is TRULY started with a thought. Everything ever created started with thought first)

3. The Tao Of Pooh Benjamin Hoff (A fun, story-form, short book aimed at westerners to understand the ways of Taoism, a philosophy of life that teaches us to be happy/content in every scenerio, situated in the land of Winnie The Pooh)

4. WaldenHenry David Thoreau (A great philosophy book written in the 1800’s where one man ventures into the wilderness for multiple years and lives off the land and writes down his recordings as he questions life itself)

5. Walden 2 B.F. Skinner (This storybook is about learning to think differently about how a culture/society/civilization should properly function, outside the “mainstream” way of thinking about how society should operate. Living in a created off-grid community, this philosopher gets questioned in every which way by his old colleagues)

6. Mans Search For MeaningViktor Frankyl (This true story of a psychologist who goes through the concentration camps during WW2 as a survivor who accounts for his experiences and notices how the psyche evolves. Frankyl gives us his best synthesis of how one should go about living the best life one can)

7. Ishmael Daniel Quinn (This storybook is about a man and a talking, wise, ape who tells the story of humanity to the human from his point of view. Really makes you feel angry/sad at the way humans feel as the conquerors of Earth. Well worth the short read from a humanitarian standpoint)

8. Sapiens Yuval Noah Harari (Although some may scrutinize the author for aiding Klaus Schwabb and his globalist elites, he is an extremely smart man. This book helps go over our evolutionary past from a very logical/scientific standpoint and makes you really think of things about ourselves (humans) that you may have never thought of before.)

9. Anything from ALAN WATTS (Alan Watts is one of the first, and arguably the best ever, philosopher entertainer. He speaks in such a charismatic/funny/romantic/engaging manor that makes the listener want to continue listening for hours on end. He speaks about truths of humanity, world religions, and how one should act in this mere existence we call life.)

10. How To Win Friends & Influence PeopleAndrew Carnegie (Carnegie was the steel industry mogul who started from nothing and became one of the world's 1st billionaires. This book written in the early-mid 1900’s is his account of how anyone can be liked, trusted, and counted on in business and in life)

Honorable mentions:
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, The Kybalion, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari


Education starts after schooling ends.

Don’t forget to practice what you learn ☯️

Enjoy the day! 🙏🏼

What book(s) would you add to this list?



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Thanks for reading :]

Ty, aka “The Dude”

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