A New World — NetX

4 min readSep 13, 2022


But since our present plan leads up to open an entirely different course to the understanding, and one unattempted and unknown to them. This is a method and path of inventing knowledge, which is called “the explanation of nature”: “not to defeat an opponent in argument but to conquer nature by action”.

— Francis Bacon’s Novum Organum

Deductive reasoning generally means going from the general to the specific. NetX was born in this way. I call it chain native, a decentralized cloud-native architecture that spans the whole network. NetX is the existing major solution to Web 3.0. It is composed of seven main components, namely Leviatom (a trusted distributed algorithm platform), Divina (a large-scale collaborative source code compiler), Triathon (a decentralized testing and auditing driver), Octavius (a Decentralized Function-as-a-Service platform, or dFaaS), FLock (A native Web3 Data Privacy solution for AI), Tusima (a controllable private financial infrastructure), Ethanim (a freshly-defined human-machine-interaction platform). These decentralized components essentially transform the architecture of solutions for the traditional software industry and practically realizes the Internet scale of the existing blockchain. I don’t perceive myself as an inventor of this solution. It is where the natural deduction of nature inevitably leads, where the IT industry is headed, and where Web 3.0 finally rests.

Decentralized FaaS Platform

The following conclusion is reached after massive research: the existing open source Serverless or FaaS platforms are not sufficiently qualified as modern cloud-native FaaS platforms. The latest progress in the field of cloud-native Serverless makes it possible to build a new generation of FaaS platforms. Such that, NetX intends to launch dFaaS projects, aiming to build a new generation of open-source decentralized FaaS platforms.

Bitcoin is where we draw our inspiration. Thirteen years of safe and stable operation gives us confidence in decentralization. Besides, the incentive mechanism of Bitcoin has also propelled reforms in productivity and the relationship between production and production. We have also introduced incentives targeted for the Internet scale with a wider audience on board. This upper layer protocol similar to TCP/ IP runs an open ecology, server-based routing system. All, code writing, debugging, and publishing, are finished on the platform. Once connected, developers can call FaaS functions on the platform anytime and anywhere. Functions run on various, isolated virtual application clusters. Hash is introduced as an index, for privacy and security concerns. Functions are executed in the local process of the caller’s application. FaaS platforms are used only for development and publishing purposes.

Self-evolving Immune System

The core part of chain native is the docker-driven container that runs freely on the blockchain. What distinguishes it most from cloud-native is the security and stability created across multi-nodes. The docker image on Leviatom is quickly spotted with the API provided by Octavius. Continuous delivery is realized to the letter as backup nodes come to the rescue at the time of a single node failure. Such functions can also be realized through human-computer interaction with more visualized Ethanim. In the process, all data is stored locally through FLock, data is searched through docker image distribution, large-scale collaborative source code compilation is achieved with Divina, and decentralized tests are carried out on Triathon. Self-evolution, however, requires incentives for the survival of the fittest. Node users in the ecology are awarded tokens as tasks are completed. All financial interactions run on Tusima, a privacy-controllable financial infrastructure. The whole system forms a closed loop.

Once set up, the system is free from artificial control and scheduling. The whole IT infrastructure is under the automatic control of the market. Where there is policy supervision in some part or bugs in some part or some version, the network self-repairs and self-evolves. Just as mining machines are constantly upgraded for more bitcoins, nodes also undergo ongoing updates. The whole network community turns into a completely decentralized open-source community, which sounds similar to ETH, but is more scalable. ETH is just a simple EVM for smart contracts and relatively simple dApps, while chain native replaces the traditional EVM with docker. All codes are compatible with chain native, a decentralized network that allows the Docker engine to run with ETH.

Implementation of the “Low Code” Technology

A seed of freedom is budding in the soil of decentralization. For flocks, the optimized way to put theory into innovative productivity is to arouse the creativity of each unit. Once specificity is given full play, new thinking and technology will be generated through diversified channels, which is right where the essence of biodiversity in Darwin’s evolution theory lies. To this end, we come up with the concept of realizing low-code-like operations. Everyone gets easy access to the whole chain native network, just as home computers were popularized as Microsoft first created windows. The network was made accessible to every user (non-professional computer user) in the world. NetX empowers everyone to design, write, debug, test, and publish their own or desired applications with the help of low-code-like tools. Thus, time and cost are largely saved for developers, and productivity is greatly improved for the whole network. Absorbing energy from many fronts, this multi-ecology will also give birth to various production tools and production relations. By doing that, we aspire to build a metaverse that accommodates every one of us.

📚 Must Reads

NetX series 1.1 | NetX series 1.2 | NetX series 1.3 | NetX series 2.1 | NetX series 2.2 | NetX series 2.3 | NetX series 3.1 | NetX series 3.2 | NetX series 3.3 | NetX series 3.4 | NetX series 4.1 | NetX series 4.2

NetX, the Chain-Native Internet for the Digital Living of Trustworthy and Reliable Intelligent Autonomous Systems (Trias)

Triathon | Ethanim | Tusima | Behemotum | Octavius | Leviatom | Divina




Trustworthy and Reliable Intelligent Autonomous Systems