Thoughts on Chain-native Evolution

4 min readSep 9, 2022



Cloud-native reveals the trending IT reform but is bothered by the limitation of its Internet coverage. Decentralization can make cloud-native internet-scale and self-evolutionary.

Cloud-native is a concept and architecture designed to assemble all cloud-based components in a way optimized for the cloud environment. It is also a destination for enterprises aspiring to build modern infrastructure and processes, or even modern corporate culture. Modern cloud native helps enterprises streamline management and maintenance, test applications more effectively, release new versions faster, scale applications more easily, cut costs, increase revenue, etc.

The above details promise a long and rich future for cloud-native as a major IT trend.

The existing cloud-native, however, cannot carry the future of the entire IT industry, with traditional security issues remaining unsolved:

Viruses, ransomware, DDoS attacks, and web intrusions linger. What’s more, the complicated architecture of the cloud also adds some trouble as direct calls of components increase.

Then, is there a way out of this wood?

History unveils the constant self-evolution, upgrading, and adaption to new challenges of organisms in nature. In Africa, a magical lungfish, also called the “immortal fish”, breathes with lung-like organs, except with its gills.

During the half-year-long dry season, most animals and plants suffer to death. At that time, this lungfish buries himself in the dry land and revives himself as the rainy season arrives. This is the survival skill obtained by the lungfish under extreme conditions.

In the book Principles: Life and Work written by the American entrepreneur Ray Dalio, it writes, “Evolve or die. Evolution is the single greatest force in the universe; it is the only thing that is permanent, and it drives everything”.

Human habitats face far more complexity compared to vast nature. Humans may easily lose their jobs once falling far behind the unimaginable, fast-changing pace of their habitats. Brief grief may find that only a self-revolution mentality can rescue the risk of being easily eliminated. The book Out of Control depicts things in the world as living organisms in the form of flocks. Organisms iterate out of evolution. Then, will cloud native, an IT organism, evolve in its own way?

That may sound formidable but is what NetX plans to do, helping cloud native self-evolve. Only organisms with a diversified nature can self-evolve as the environment requires. In the IT industry, the cloud native architecture needs to first achieve comprehensive heterogeneity. It employs a multi-processor structure of several processors of heterogeneous types or functions. This sophisticated structure denotes rich diversity and high resistance to risks. Cloud nodes are uniquely configured and installed with unique software, in case a million homogenous codes are easily attacked by the same bug. That will be a nightmare. That is why we put much emphasis on heterogeneity.

Meanwhile, overall heterogeneity necessitates overall coverage of cloud native over the whole network, reaching the Internet scale. The idea of that excites people. Africa is one of the most dynamic and potential regions in the world. Cloud services help unleash its huge development potential; innovative cloud-based technologies such as cloud computing and artificial intelligence may make leapfrog development happen for this land, soaring into the era of cloud and intelligence. But the reality is very cruel. Cloud services are absent in many parts of Africa (the whole world is saying that the sun always shines on the African land). Big commercial organizations refuse to set up branches there. That is the havoc caused by centralized organizations. Internet scale can only become reality under decentralization. Imagine that one day in the future, access to a vast and open Internet happens just with one click from computers by some guys in some place in Africa. Local basic services are well-provided right away. This is a tide-reversing matter.

The benefits of decentralization reach far beyond that. Single point of failure (SPOF) is also effectively eliminated. Although distributed storage is popular among current cloud service providers, the overall data and servers are still in the hands of relatively centralized organizations. The Russian-Ukrainian war has sounded a serious alarm for the world: centralization impacts world citizens as well as global states. Blockchain-based Bitcoin breaks this barrier. Decentralization ensures the stable and safe operation of the world. Spurred by that, cloud native is able to realize true Internet scale, and all citizens of the planet are entitled to enjoy the civilization innovation concurred with technology innovation. We have firm faith in where we are headed.

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