Top Stories published by ConnectedWell in September of 2010

iPhones to Get Google Voice Back?

Mashable is reporting that iPhones may get Google Voice again soon, according to speculation that Apple may give up it’s tyrannical decision to keep Google’s Skype-Like Phone-supplement App out of the iPhone Store.

iPhone users could see a…

Quite Possibly the Best Tweet Evar

This touching tribute to the Internet’s most famous scammer, the “Nigerian Minister of Energy” highlights why I love twitter, and the innertubez in general.

RT @joshuantaylor: I feel sorry for the REAL Nigerian Minister of Energy. Does anyone…

Weekly Updates for 2010–09–18

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Gmail App for Android Updated

The Gmail App for Android has been updated according to the Google Mobile blog and the Gmail blog, including some pretty good updates:

  • Gmail app releases aren’t tied to Android OS releases anymore.
  • Improved replies and access…