Feature Stories

Long, hot, satisfying erotica

Belinda LaPage
Cream Shaboogie Cock
5 min readJul 11, 2019


Erotic Feature Stories are our bread and butter. They’re why we’re here.

To be accepted, feature stories must be complete erotic tales of at least 4000 words. There is no upper word limit. They must have a beginning, a middle, a satisfying end, and must include at least one complete sex scene. No teasers. No works in progress. No partial stories that are published in full elsewhere. They should have interesting characters who are more than just horny, and do more than just fuck.

Let’s be really clear about this — we’re a collective where everyone pulls their weight. If you’re planning to put up a quick fuck scene as a contractual obligation so we’ll let you post a gazillion ads for free and share our reader base, think again. Readers come for the Feature Stories, and if you don’t bring something real for them to read, you won’t get in the door and you won’t enjoy the rest of our goodies.

Your first feature story is an audition; it’s your entree to Cream Shaboogie Cock, so make it great. Get your beta-readers’ eyes on it. Get feedback, make it better, make the characters lovable and unique, make the plot sing. Oh, and make sure it’s copy-edited and proofread. We are very fussy with our erotic stories. If you don’t get accepted first time, don’t be disheartened — take your punches, work on your craft, and try again in six months’ time with all you’ve learned.

New Authors

Please read our Content and Formatting Guidelines below, then follow the step by step instructions on our Submissions page.

Content Guidelines


We accept stories in any setting, eg. contemporary, historical, sci-fi, fantasy. Fan Fiction universes (Marvel, Tolkein, Hogwarts) are fine, but you cannot mark the story as Premium Content. We’re not here to make money from somebody else’s intellectual property.

Erotic Pairings

All erotic pairings and genders are accepted, including straight heterosexual couplings (MF), all flavors of straight/bi menage (FFM, MFM, MMF), and all flavors of LGBTQI, including fantasy genders like Futa.


Obviously we love rich, complex characters, but note that giving your character a tragic back-story or a disability is not enriching unless it is required to support their actions in the story.

Humans are awesome. So are human-like aliens, were-creatures, and characters from myth and fantasy (fairies, sprites, golems, etc). The further you deviate from the humanoid norm,and the closer you come to bestiality, the tougher things are going to get for you. If you think you’re on the edge, you’re probably over it.

All characters in sexual situations, simulations, thoughts and flashbacks must be 18+, must look 18+, and must behave 18+. If you think you’ve found an exception (but she’s a sexbot and still learning about the world — that’s why she acts like a little girl) the answer is still a hard no.

As with Settings (above) Fan Fiction characters are fine, but you cannot mark the story as Premium Content. We’re not here to make money from somebody else’s intellectual property.


All erotica must have a kink. If your story just has two people fucking, it’s erotic fiction, not erotica. Some erotic fiction is so damn good we might still accept it, but what we’re looking for are those (ideally mainstream) kinks that get folks’ motors running.

We love virgins, first time bisexuals, hot-wives and cuckolds, forbidden lovers, sensual BDSM (eg. light bondage, spanking).

We hate scat, golden showers, blood play, fat and hairy. Basically, if it’s titillation through disgust, we probably don’t want it.

That leaves a lot of room in the middle. Hardcore themes like hucow, mpreg, noncon, humiliation can be confronting, but they can also be beautifully written and arousing. Here’s where we draw the line: the harder the core, the smaller your audience, and the less likely we are to accept it.

Feature Story FAQs

Q. Can I list my feature story as premium Medium content and get paid?

Yes. Erotic stories may be marked as premium content, which could lead to revenue if Medium subscribers read your work.

Q: Can I just post a chapter so that readers buy my book?

No. That is a Hot Chapter. Accepted authors can also post promotional Hot Chapters and Sexy Snippets, but Feature Stories are for complete stories only.

Q: Can I serialise a longer work and post it chapter by chapter?

Yes, but it’s not a feature story. Serialised stories will appear as Hot Chapters and are subject to the same rules.

Q: Can I include buy-links to my other books?

Feature Stories may include one buy-link to one relevant book. “Relevant” means it can be a sequel or an anthology in which the story is published. Unrelated stories by the same author are not relevant, even if they’re in the same genre.

Q: Can I include images in my Feature Story?

Yes, please do. All erotic stories should include sexy, non-pornographic images that break up the text. How much imagery? Look at a magazine. Authors must own rights to all images used.

Q: How often can I publish?

Accepted authors may submit one Feature Story per month. New authors may audition once every six months.


To be eligible for publication in Cream Shaboogie Cock, a Feature Story must be formatted to our guidelines. When all stories are formatted alike, we look more like a professional outfit and less like the band of itinerant minstrels wandering the countryside selling prose for scraps of bread that we are.

Your story content must include the following (and no more) in the described order.

Banner — a short, wide image that spans the whole page. Medium no longer displays banners across the page in the story, but it does in the menu section of the magazine. For this reason, your banner image must also be the featured image when you hit publish.

Title — the name of your story, plus a sub-title and a tag-line. Please include all three.

Your Story — Please format your story according to the Cream Shaboogie Cock Style Guide, taking particular note of Chapter Headings, Story Body, and don’t forget to include your by-line

Promo — one short promo for a related book, i.e. A prequel/sequel, or an anthology the story appears within. Promos must use the following style guide.

Feature stories that do not follow formatting guidelines will be rejected.


When your Feature Story is ready to go, update your metadata and submit to Cream Shaboogie Cock as follows:

  • Feature Stories are eligible for Medium Partner Program earnings. Set the Distribution Setting to Enabled (check the box).
  • Ensure one of the story Tags is set to Stories, otherwise it will not appear in Cream Shaboogie Cock’s Feature Stories.

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