Hot Chapters

Short, slick, gets you off quick

Belinda LaPage
Cream Shaboogie Cock
4 min readJul 11, 2019


A Hot Chapter is a satisfying chapter from a longer work that contains a complete sex scene of at least 1000 words. We shouldn’t need to explain this, but a complete sex scene is one where everyone finishes. Please, no teasers. The goal here is not to leave the reader so frustrated they go buy your book. They won’t. That’s crazy talk. Give them a sizzling read, carry them through to the…ahem…end, and make them fall in love with your characters. Then they’ll buy the book (or not, but those people weren’t going to buy anyway, so nothing lost).

Hot Chapter FAQs

Q. Can I list my Hot Chapter as premium Medium content and get paid?

Yes. We used to allow only Feature Stories to be listed as premium content, however Medium’s marketing algorithms seem to favour premium content. Anything directed at reader benefit can be premium— Feature Stories, Flash Fiction, Poetry and even Hot Chapters. Sexy Snippets are for author benefit and may not be marked premium.

Q: I want to serialise the whole book. Can I put it all into hot chapters?

Sure, at one chapter per month. Or you can list Chapter 1 in Cream Shaboogie Cock with the other chapters in your personal Medium account.

Q: My book only has one sex scene. Can I just post part of it so that readers buy my book to get the rest?

No. That is a Sexy Snippet. Accepted authors can post both promotional Hot Chapters and Sexy Snippets, but Hot Chapters must be a complete scene.

Q: Can I include buy-links to my other books?

Hot Chapters may include one buy-link to the book that the chapter comes from.

Q: Can I include images in my Hot Chapter?

Yes, please do. All posts should include sexy, non-pornographic images that break up the text. How much imagery? Look at a magazine. Authors must own rights to all images used.

Q: How often can I publish?

Accepted authors may submit one Hot Chapter per month, capped at twelve for each accepted Feature Story. eg. Authors with two Feature Stories may post up to 24 hot chapters over a two-year period.


To be eligible for publication in Cream Shaboogie Cock, a Hot Chapter must be formatted to our guidelines. When all posts are formatted alike, we look more like a professional outfit and less like the band of itinerant minstrels wandering the countryside selling prose for scraps of bread that we are.

Your chapter content must include the following (and no more) in the described order.

Title and tag line — the name of your story, plus a sub-title and a tag-line. Please include all three, and suffix the sub-title with (a hot chapter). Optionally include a kicker and banner image.

Cover Image — Immediately below the tag line. If you have a banner image, this might make them too close; move the cover image a few paragraphs into the story.

Cover blurb — a short blurb taken from the book’s back cover, fly leaf, or ebook store page. Format the blurb using Medium’s small-quote format by highlighting the blurb and clicking the double-quote symbol once (so that one of the quotes is highlighted green).

Text Break — Add a text break below the blurb.

Chapter title — In Heading 1 format. If your chapters don’t have titles, simply “Chapter N” will be fine.

Your Story — Please format your story according to the Cream Shaboogie Cock Style Guide, taking particular note of Chapter Heading, Story Body, and don’t forget to include your by-line and a final text break.

Promo — one short promo for the book the Hot Chapter is taken from. Promos must use the following style guide.

Hot Chapters that do not follow formatting guidelines will be rejected.


When your Hot Chapter is ready to go, update your metadata and submit to Cream Shaboogie Cock as follows:

  • Ensure one of the story Tags is set to Chapters, otherwise it will not appear in Cream Shaboogie Cock’s Hot Chapters.

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