Junior UI UX Designers, chills! The right time will come

Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2023

I know having the dream job is so amazing, but rushing things always end up with a bad outcome. I didn’t say it by myself but there’s a quote from a philosopher

Design By vitaaddelia-Author

So what we should do then as Junior UI/UX Designer?

No rush things

Earning and gaining experience take time. Don’t rush through the process or get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Be patient and stay focused on your goals. Take the time to learn and improve your skills, and you will see results over time. Here’s an article that explains step by step being UI UX Designer, let’s check it out:

Be structure

It’s important to stay structured in your approach to learning and gaining experience. Set clear goals and timelines for your projects and experiments. Create a learning plan and stick to it. This will help you stay focused and make progress toward your goals. Here’s a free template for tracking your goals

Click Here for Free Template

Truly learning is not like magic just needs some sec to get. But, that journey has a lot of valuable things that we can use in the future not just for you but for people too. It is so wonderful, isn’t it?

At this time I just want to say to you, enjoy the learning process, take every opportunity that comes to you whether it is paid or unpaid (but please, you should think about it deeply with yourself), and learn from it, because as we know the best teaching experiences. I know that money is important, but the result of our learning process isn’t just about money but more than that. We could get knowledge, friends, connection (that help you to expand more), a new environment to grow, and the real case (which is really insightful).

And then after you got the experience, let’s surf and sell your name to the world. Show the world who you are, what value you bring, and what makes you unique from others. But showing the world who you are could be started when you start learning too, so you would get the tracking and you definitely would be proud of yourself for the amazing journey that you had.

Your time will come perfectly, believe it may be the result much better than your expectation.

Enjoy your journey even full of grit!

This time is the short article to light up your day! keep smile and be happy!

