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Rational thought has gone to the dogs
Useless crap
Dogs as an extension of a police gun
Dogs as an extension of a police gun
I woke up to this photo in my Instagram feed this morning. It shook me. In the wake of two high-profile mass school shootings — SantaFe, TX…
Gérard Mclean
May 21, 2018
Dogs talking
Dogs talking
This was done as a training video for posting to Medium. This is greeked; there is no real story.
Gérard Mclean
Mar 28, 2018
Dog pile
Dog pile
As in, a literal pile of dogs.
Gérard Mclean
Apr 19, 2017
This story is part of a blog-off series with a group of bloggers from different professions and world views, each exploring a theme from…
Gérard Mclean
Sep 21, 2016
The perfect cheeseburger
The perfect cheeseburger
This weekend, millions of people across the United States will be firing up their grills and plunking down hamburger patties and grilling…
Jul 2, 2016
Some days
Some days
Some days I need to create.
Gérard Mclean
Jun 21, 2016
The very simple reason why I’m voting Trump
The very simple reason why I’m voting Trump
I’m voting for Donald J. Trump for President of the United States. My reasoning is quite simple and straightforward. Here it is.
Jun 15, 2016
It just now occurred to me that I am a middle aged man with a beard living in an open carry state driving a four ton white van with a…
May 23, 2016
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?
The question came over as casually as any other, but it was a loaded one. “Why are you being nice to me?” she asked.
Gérard Mclean
May 22, 2016
You were carried
You were carried
Gérard Mclean
Oct 16, 2011
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