Archive of stories published by Ecommerce Magazine

7 reasons why Product Recommendations beat Related Products on Shopify

According to Shopify Nation, recommendations account for 10–30% of eCommerce revenues, so it’s important to have them on your store.

Things to Know When Building an Ecommerce Mobile Web App

Our team at 201 Created recently built a best-in-class mobile web app to see how far we could push the boundaries of cutting-edge browser APIs and have our web app achieve feature parity with a similar native app. You can try it…

An eCommerce Story: The Evolution of Category Five

This post was originally published on Building Consumer Goods. Are you a consumer goods entrepreneur? Check out the site!

Jason Shuman is a VC at Corigin Ventures and a Co-Founder of Category Five, an eCommerce

These were the top 10 stories published by Ecommerce Magazine; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017.