Note from the Editors — Thank You

November 2020 Newsletter

Laura Fox
Family Matters


2 min readNov 2, 2020


Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash

Happy November!

In the spirit of thanksgiving, the editors of Home Sweet Home want to thank our writers and readers for helping us to reach 1.7k followers! We appreciate you all. You are what makes Home Sweet Home such an inclusive and supportive space for parents and families.

Winner of October’s Writing Prompt

Last month, we challenged you to write about the future of parenting. The stand-out entry belongs to Kate Lynch who wrote a wonderful piece called Special Needs Children Are Leading the Future of Parenting.

“I’m grateful to my kid for being someone complicated, who caused me to question myself and my ideas about parenting. He came into my life, and turned it on its head. The insight, resilience and compassion I’ve gained is owed to him.

My hope is that as parents we disentangle our egos from our children, look beyond the surface to see the person underneath, and nurture whatever seeds we find. Our kids’ achievements don’t define them, or us.”

Well done, Kate!

Please check out the other entries here to read more perspectives on the future of parenting.

November’s Writing Prompt

Can you think of a parenting or family experience that made you feel thankful? What did you learn? Was it something you previously took for granted? Was it a painful journey to learn to be thankful for this experience? Maybe it was an unusual situation or one that you can’t help but look back on and laugh. Regardless, we want to hear your story!

If you would like to enter this prompt, you can find more information here.

Best of October

Each month, we pick five articles that stood out. They will appear in the “Best of” section for the rest of November. It was too difficult to whittle it down to five articles, so we will be including six this month. Please keep the brilliant content coming!

It’s Time to Stop Projecting My Fears on My Son With ADHD by Adrienne Parkhurst

Processing Rage and Guilt as a Special Needs Parent — Things Unsaid by Dave Jennings

How To Know When It’s The Right Time To Let Go by Benny Lim

How I’m Gifting My Daughter with Failure by Alison Sherley

This is How Perfectionism Affects Parenting by Annie Huang

Why I Don’t Make My Daughter Apologize to People by Vanessa Torre

Author Spotlight

Each month, we dedicate time to lifting up another writer. This month we want to uplift Dave Jennings. Dave writes openly and honestly about being a special needs parent. Thank you, Dave, for sharing your experiences and making other special needs parents feel less alone.

Have a great November!

Laura and David x



Laura Fox
Family Matters

I write to heal myself and others. Instagram: @laure_e_fox_